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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Indonesian Petroleum Association


21st Annual Convention Proceedings (Volume 1), 1992
Pages 553-574

The Mesozoic Stratigraphy of the Timor Gap and Its Bearing on the Hydrocarbon Potential of Eastern Indonesia

Steve Brown


The Mesozoic stratigraphy of the Timor Gap area presents an interesting record of major tectonic events affecting the northern margin of the Australian continent. The high resolution obtained from biostratigraphic analysis allows detailed correlation with sections in Eastern Indonesia, particularly Misool, Sula and Timor, as well as Papua New Guinea. The stratigraphic setting of source rocks and reservoirs in the Timor Gap allows informed speculation on the exploration potential of basins along the margin of the Australian craton, in particular the basins in Indonesian territory associated with the Banda Arc.

The magnitude of tectonic events in the Mesozoic, related to the rifting and breakup of the Gondwanaland continent, is reflected in the great lateral extent of certain distinctive stratigraphic units. A comparison of various areas along the northern margin of the Australian craton and around the Banda Arc, shows that in areas where the source and reservoir units seen in the Timor Gap are missing, hydrocarbons are scarce. However, areas with time and facies equivalents are proving to be hydrocarbon provinces of high potential. In addition, some source rocks not represented in the Timor Gap are seen to generate oil (e.g. in Seram).

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