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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 16 Results. Searched 196,367 documents.


Abstracts: Impedance Inversion of Phase Corrected Data- A Case Study; #90173 (2015)

Somanath Misra and Satinder Chopra

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... parameterization of the underlying mixed phase wavelet. The simple parameterization involves estimation of all-pass operator coefficients via...


Abstract: Wavelet Estimation by Non-Linear Optimization of All-Pass Operators; #90211 (2015)

Somanath Misra and Mauricio Sacchi

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...Abstract: Wavelet Estimation by Non-Linear Optimization of All-Pass Operators; #90211 (2015) Somanath Misra and Mauricio Sacchi Datapages/Search...


VSP Guided Reprocessing and Inversion of Surface Seismic Data

R. Gir, Dominique Pajot, Serge Des Ligneris

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... division and all-pass filters. The phase rotation angle, found in the zone of interest, is about 46 degrees. Results of applying the filter...


Notes on the Pre-Permian Paleozoics of the Wichita Mountain Area

J. V. Howell

AAPG Bulletin

..., a 2-inch agate will be found most convenient. The sample should be ground until all will pass the ¼ mm. screen. Screening: Two screens are necessary...


Early Pennsylvanian Deposits West of the Nemaha Granite Ridge, Kansas

Raymond C. Moore

AAPG Bulletin

... 3-8, Plate 11). Some of the wells start in the Dakota sandstone; all pass through the lowermost part of the Cimarron red beds and the thick salt...


Dynamic Stratigraphy of the Tubb and Dean Formations (Early Permian), Northern Midland Basin, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo, W. E. Hipke, T. H. Wiedemeier, T. P. Wingate, M. G. Gaylord, A. M. Reid

West Texas Geological Society

...all pass from generally shallow-water dolostone facies on the platform, to deeper-water facies (micrites, resedimented shelf detritus, black shale...


Uinta Mountain Geology; Frontmatter

Carol M. Dehler, Joel L. Pederson, Douglas A. Sprinkel, Bart J. Kowallis

Utah Geological Association

... of love in bringing this all to pass. Geologists, as a rule, love their profession, and that excitement and enthusiasm is evident in this volume. E...


Magnetostratigraphic Evidence Bearing on the Magnitude of the Sub-Paskapoo Disconformity in the Scollard Canyon-Ardley Area of the Red Deer Valley, Alberta

J.F. Lerbekmo, M.E. Evans, G.S. Hoye

CSPG Bulletin

... samples, and they all pass the standard statistical test for non-randomness. All sites indicate normal polarity. (Dashes, mudrock; dots, sandstone...


Breaking Boundaries to Develop Mature Field, Success Story from Nilam Field, East Kalimantan Indonesia

Fedriando, Aldy Reza Pambudi, Agung Prasetyo Nugroho, Ahmad Arif Fadhlirrahman, Donna Sita Rolanda, Citra Srikandi, Tedi Satria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... percent of all by pass zones found should be accessed using complex well intervention. (figure 15) 8. Unit cost for total complex jobs is 9.15 $/BOE which...


Gold Mountain Mining District, Piute County, Utah

Gerald Park, Ken Krahulec

Utah Geological Association

.... The Sevier No. 3 tunnel (about 9050-foot elevation) and two angle drill holes (KC-7 and KC-8) all pass under the down-dip projection of the northern...


Conodonts as Paleozoic Guide Fossils

Samuel P. Ellison, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... break. Cavusgnathus, Streptognathodus, and Gondolella all pass from Pennsylvanian into Permian. All other genera appear to be confined to a single...


The Nature and Significance of Regional Unconformities in the Hydrocarbon…Bearing Neogene Sequence Offshore West Sabah

B. K. Levell

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... or northwest (Fig. 22). (2) The DRU, SRU and Horizon II all pass from being tmncational unconformities in the southeast and east to being onlap...


Estuarine Valley Fills in the Lower Cretaceous Bluesky Formation, Edson Area, Alberta

Alessandro Terzuoli,, Roger G. Walker

CSPG Bulletin

... cannot deduce a time relationship between Valleys 2, 3, 4 and 5. However, the fills of these valleys are very similar and Valleys 2, 3 and 5 all pass...


Extending Graphic Correlation to Many Dimensions: Stratigraphic Correlation as Constrained Optimization

William G. Kemple, Peter M. Sadler, David J. Strauss

Special Publications of SEPM

... through which the snake and all plausible LOCs must pass Black rectangles ac knowledge better than points that the location of event horizons has...


Geochemical, petrographic, and uranium–lead geochronological evidence for multisourced polycyclic provenance of deep-water strata in a hybrid tectonic setting: The upper Miocene upper Mount Messenger Formation, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Jonathan R. Rotzien, Greg H. Browne, and Peter R. King

AAPG Bulletin

... values exceeding 0.05 (relative to each other). They also all pass the K–S test with samples from the Torlesse composite terrane (Rakaia, Pahau...