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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,561 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Deep-marine Reservoir Heterogeneity in Steep-Sided Minibasins Influence Of Basin Physiography on Sedimentological Processes and Basin-Fill Character; #90321 (2018)
Euan Soutter
Search and Discovery.com
...-Fill Character; #90321 (2018) Euan Soutter Deep-marine Reservoir Heterogeneity in Steep-Sided Minibasins – Influence Of Basin Physiography...
Finding New Play Potential In Main Zawtika Development Area, Zawtika Project, Moattama Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Finding New Play Potential in Main Zawtika Development Area, Zawtika Project, Moattama Basin
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Finding New Play Potential in Main Zawtika Development Area, Zawtika Project, Moattama Basin, Offshore Myanmar, #11155 (2019).
Noppadol Boonsawang, Luptawan Intasorn, Nathawut Sattayakhunnasakul, Vitoon Chaisomboonpan, Panatcha Siriyoot, Phalaphoom Thamniyom, Sunantha Phaungphuak, Palakorn Chaokor
Search and Discovery.com
... basin fill exceeds 10 km in thickness and is the prospective section in the eastern half of Block M-9. Extensive development of growth faults was due...
The Role of Evaporites, Foreland Basin Fill, and Inherited Crustal Weaknesses on Structural Styles in the Pamir and Tian Shan Forelands, Western Tarim Basin, NW China
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Revisiting Models for Mini-Basin Development and Associated Fill Morphology and Architecture in Mobile Substrate Margins, by Maharaj, Vishal T.; Wood, Lesli; Buttles, Jim; Mohrig, David; #90135 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Lokichar Basin (Kenya)
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Approaches to Source-To-Sink Reconstruction of Ancient, Outcropping Clastic Basin-Fill Successions: Examples From the Shannon Basin (Western Ireland) and the Western Interior Basin, USA
Search and Discovery.com
Insights from Stratigraphic Modeling: Mud-Limited Versus Sand-Limited Depositional Systems
William C. Ross , Dale E. Watts , Jeffrey A. May
AAPG Bulletin
... from the regression analysis). The resulting crossplot (Figure 26) shows a strong correlation between the basin-fill style and deep-water sand...
Extended Abstract: Evaluating the Stratigraphy of a Paleo-Stepped Slope Profile, Offshore Northwestern Borneo
Erik Scott, Wayne Abraham
GCAGS Transactions
... by apparent faults, sits above the Trona Basin in an interpreted slope setting (Fig. 3). Detailed analysis of the fill of the basins...
Abstract: A Stratigraphic Analysis and Basin fill History for the Verde Formation, Northern Verde Valley, Central Arizona, by Tawnya Hildabrand; #90183 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy: Introduction
Shell Oil Company
AAPG Special Volumes
... consists of three parts: 1. Geometric Analysis of Depositional Sequences 2. Facies Analysis of Depositional Sequences 3. Basin Fill Analysis In a general...
ABSTRACT: Rift and Syn-Rift Architectural Elements and Basin Fill — Offshore Scotian Margin, by O'Connor, Darragh E.; Wach, Grant; #90142 (2012)
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Issues and Approaches for Hydrocarbon Systems Analysis in Tertiary Deltas What We Have Learned: Examples from Deepwater Nigeria
L. L. Summa, S. A. Barboza, K. M. Bohacs, P. J. Mankiewicz, J. E. Neal
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
... have learned, via an integrated plate to molecular-scale approach to basin formation, fill, and evolution, with emphasis the properties and behavior...
Petroleum System Logic as an Exploration Tool in a Frontier Setting: Chapter 2: Part I. Introduction
John T. Smith
AAPG Special Volumes
... to be late middle Eocene (44-43 Ma) (Worrall, 1991). We refer to the younger of the two sedimentary rock packages as the "basin fill sequence." Infolded...
11. Basin Architecture and Tectonic Setting
Andrew D. Miall
AAPG Special Volumes
...11. Basin Architecture and Tectonic Setting Andrew D. Miall 1981 52 56 CN 20: Analysis of Fluvial Depositional Systems The architecture of a basin...
Stratigraphic Framework of Productive Carbonate Buildups: Chapter 2
Stephen M. Greenlee, Patrick J. Lehmann
AAPG Special Volumes
... to leaky top and lateral seals, and they generally have smaller trap sizes. These cycles of basin fill are clearly recognizable on seismic and log data...
Petroleum Systems of the Asri Basin, Java Sea, Indonesia
J. Sukanto, Nunuk F., J. B. Aldrich, G. P. Rinehart, J. Mitchell
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... the shale. Elements of this Banuwati-Early Basin Fill petroleum system are also described in this paper. The implications of these petroleum systems...
Abstract: Global Cyclostratigraphic Analysis of the Indo-African Rift Basin Fill, by M. A. Perlmutter, P. Brennan, S. Hook, D. Pasta, and K. Dempster; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy 25 Years Down the Road: Technology Dependencies, Current Practices and Evolving Methods for Prediction of Petroleum Systems, by Ole J. Martinsen; #90101 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Dual structure of the basin fill, Songliao Basin.
Search and Discovery.com
The Pannonian Super Basin: A brief overview
Gábor Tari, Gábor Bada, David R. D. Boote, Csaba Krézsek, Balázs Koroknai, Gábor Kovács, Viktor Lemberkovics, Reinhard F. Sachsenhofer, and Tamás Tóth
AAPG Bulletin
... offset analysis of the bright amplitude anomalies within the Pannonian (Upper Miocene–Pliocene) basin fill was a key to the predrill identification...
Geology and Geometry of Depositional Systems
L. F. Brown Jr., W. L. Fisher
AAPG Special Volumes
... of these fundamental basin-fill units is called seismic sequence analysis. Within the seismic (depositional) sequence, lesser seismic reflection units or seismic...