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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 538 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Seismic-attribute Analysis for Gas-hydrate and Free-gas Prospects on the North Slope of Alaska

M. W. Lee, T. S. Collett, T. L. Inks

AAPG Special Volumes

... interpretation using the velocities of P and S waves (full-waveform sonic): The Log Analyst, v. 31, p. 355369.Lee, M. W., 2002, Biot-Gassmann theory...


Compressibility of Sandstones at Low to Moderate Pressures

I. Fatt

AAPG Bulletin

... on the Change in Compressibility with Pressure," Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 21, pp. 529-33. BIOT, M. A., AND WILLIS, D. G., 1957...


Numerical Modeling of the Deformation and Displacement of Salt Bodies with Embedded Carbonate or Anhydrite Stringers, #42075 (2017).

Shiyuan Li, Janos L. Urai, Guangqing Zhang

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... with the wavelength theoretically expected from the Biot-Ramberg theory of viscous folding. Conclusions Conclusions 1 The simplified model offers a practical...


Overcoming the Limitations of SRV Concept

M. Gaddipati, C. Karacaer, C. Ozgen, T. Firincioglu, G. Bowen, I. Pallister, G. Shaw

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. Biot, M. A., 1941, General theory of three-dimensional consolidation: Journal of Applied Physics, v. 12, no. 2, p. 155...


Permeability prediction in chalks

M. Monzurul Alam, Ida Lykke Fabricius, Manika Prasad

AAPG Bulletin

.... The findings of Kozeny (1927) and Biot (1956a, b) indicate that permeability should be related to sonic velocity. However, the use of Biot's theory is commonly...


Structural Model of Large Part of the Earth

Wallis S. Hamilton

AAPG Bulletin

.... Balsley, James R., 1941, Deformation of marble under tension at high pressure: Am. Geophys. Union Trans., pt. II, p. 519. Biot, M. A., 1935...


Sequential restoration and unstraining of structural cross sections: Applications to extensional terranes: Discussion

John Wickham, George Moeckel

AAPG Bulletin

... 2002 183 184 86 1 Biot, M. A., 1965, Mechanics of incremental deformations: New York, John Wiley and Sons, 504 p. Erickson, S. G., S. Hardy, and J...


The development of seismic reflection sandbox modeling

Donald H. Sherlock, Brian J. Evans

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 68, p. 227-231. Biot, M., 1956a, Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a fluid saturated porous solid: I-low...


Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas

S. J. Pirson

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... the potential theory to basement relief computations and by determining the degree of curvature of deformed rocks. The strata curvature is related...


Pore-Pressure Prediction in the Permian Basin Using Seismic Prestack Inversion

Colin Sayers, Lennert den Boer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... elastic anisotropy produced by horizontal layering: Journal of Geophysical Research, 67, 4427–40. Biot, M.A. (1956) Theory of propagation of elastic waves...


Abstract: Hydraulic Fracture Energy Considerations: a 3D Numerical Simulation Compared to Microseismic Imaging; #90187 (2014)

Neda Boroumand and Dave Eaton

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... City, SD. June issue 26-28 Biot, M.A., Masse, L. & Medlin, W.L. A two-dimentional theory of fracture propagation. SPEPE(Jan. 1986) 17-30. Perkins T.K....


Gas Hydrates: Part II: Rock Physics, an Introduction

Lasse Amundsen, Martin Landrø

GEO ExPro Magazine

... of gas hydrate content can be achieved in various ways, such as effective medium modeling or three-phase Biot theory. The effective medium theory can...


Poroelastic-Textural Characterization Through Multi-Step Hysteretic Mercury Intrusion Measurements

James Greene, Laurent Louis, Greg Boitnott, Coralee Cox, Matthew McAllen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... injection capillary pressure (MICP) theory. The derived poroelastic properties are compared against static elastic measurements on sister core plugs...


Seismic Velocity Dispersion and the Petrophysical Properties of Porous Media

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... of the Acoustical Society of America, 110, 682-694. Lee, M.W., 2002, Biot-Gassmann theory for velocities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments: Geophysics, 67...


Rock-Fluid Interaction Impact on Geomechanical and Acoustic Properties in Shale Reservoirs: Anisotropic Grain Contact Adhesion Model

Binh T. Bui, Azra N. Tutuncu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Using the full tensor form of the permeability tensor, the Biot tensor (Bui and Tutuncu, 2013), and the stiffness tensor, acoustic properties...


Coupled Geomechanics and Pore Confinement Effects for Modeling Unconventional Shale Reservoirs

Yi Xiong, Philip Winterfeld, Yu-Shu Wu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... component. The geomechanical model is derived from the elasticity theory extended to porous and non-isothermal media. The Peng-Robinson EOS-based flash...


Improved Shale Characterization Through Joint Elastic-Electrical Effective Medium Modeling

Kelvin Amalokwu, Kyle Spikes, Kevin Wolf

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to locate zones of good quality by decoupling the effects of kerogen and clay. Kerogen is considerably more resistive than clay and should, in theory...


Geomechanics Helped to Understand the Underperformance of Fracture Treatments and Optimization for Future Operations

Khalil Rahman, Cahyo Nugroho, Dicky Hilmawan, Sugiri Umar Khiram, Wahyu Syukur

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...’s ratio, Young’s modulus, Biot’s coefficient and fracture toughness. The dynamic Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio can be calculated from log data...


A Porothermoelastic Model Considering the DynamicTemperature-Perturbation Boundary Effect for Borehole Stability in Fractured Porous Rocks

Jiajia Gao, Hai Lin, Jin Sun, Xiuping Chen, Huixiang Wang, Xianfeng Liu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of the dual-porosity poromechanics theory (or restricted to discuss the dual-porosity poroelastic theory), but it is divided into two types in terms...


Breakthrough in Hydraulic Fracture & Proppant Mapping: Achieving Increased Precision with Lower Cost

Matthew Dawson, Günther Kampfer

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Terzaghi (1923) established the foundation of poromechanics in his 1D consolidation theory. Biot (1935 and 1941) later extended this framework...


Thermomechanical origin of regional fracture systems

Joseph M. English

AAPG Bulletin

..., doi:10.1029/JB089iB06p04077.Atkinson, B. K., and P. G. Meredith, 1987a, The theory of subcritical crack growth with applications to minerals and rocks...


Comparison of Shale Permeability to Gas Determined by Pressure-Pulse Transmission Testing of Core Plugs and Crushed Samples

Faruk, Civan, Deepak Devegowda

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Thermophysical Engineering Vol. 3 No. 1 pp. 43-77. Biot, M.A. 1941. General Theory of Three Dimensional Consolidation, J. Appl. Phys., 12, 155-164. Bird, G...


Geomechanical Modeling of Flowback Scenarios to Establish Best Practices in the Midland Basin Horizontal Program

Kurt Wilson, Ibraheem Ahmed, Kirk MacIvor

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... 2448089 7 normal stress (σN) and the pore pressure (pp) in the fracture (assuming the Biot parameter, α, is equal to one): ′ (1) Effective normal stress...


Introduction to Poroelastic Response Monitoring … Quantifying Hydraulic Fracture Geometry and SRV Permeability from Offset-Well Pressure Data

Nicolas P. Roussel, Samarth Agrawal

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., the pressure inside the pores will increase in response to it. In theory, the incremental pore pressure is then progressively dissipated through...


Geometric Constraints Derived from the Law of Conservation of Volume and Applied to Evolutionary Models for Detachment Folding: Geologic Note: (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... as for the migration and entrapment of hydrocarbons. Bailey, E. B., 1935, Tectonic essays, mainly Alpine: Oxford, England, Clarendon Press, 200 p. Biot, M. A., 1961...


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