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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,288 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Abstract: Numerical Modeling and Imaging of Near Surface Scattered Waves: An Approach of Turning Noise into Signal; #90254 (2016)

Abdulaziz M. Almuhaidib

Search and

..., the scattered waves consist mainly of body waves scattered to surface waves and are, generally, as large as, or larger than, the reflections. Based...


The Attenuation Effects of Surface-Wave Propagations on Rockmass Using SASW Method

Suharsono, Abdul Rahim Samsudin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... at the surface of an elastic half space, the body waves can travel within the interior or along the surface of the ground and may be compression waves (P-waves...


Body Fossils of Tide- and Wave-Dominated Continental Shelves: Abstract

John B. Wilson

CSPG Special Publications

...Body Fossils of Tide- and Wave-Dominated Continental Shelves: Abstract John B. Wilson 1986 346 347 Important evidence on the provenance...


Elastic and Absorption Properties of Rocks and Their Use in Direct Exploration for Oil and Gas

T. Z. Verbitskiy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... in the volume content of clay beds in a stratum or of clay particles disseminated in the rock, the velocity of body waves first decreases sharply...


Application of Seismic Surveying to Recognition of Productive Part of Gas-Oil Strata

V. V. Churlin, L. A. Sergeyev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... carried out experimental investigations on recognition of seismic waves reflected from interfaces in the productive stratum, particularly from water-oil...


Structure of the Sub-Salt Sediments of the Peri-Caspian Synclize

A. V. Yegorkin, N. M. Chernyshev, V. N. Belokopytov, E. G. Danilova, V. F. Kolomiyets

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... at the surface of the salt complex was traced by body and refracted waves. Because of the complexity of its relief and insufficient density of observation...


Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York: ABSTRACT

N. Kumar, J. E. Sanders

AAPG Bulletin

...Sand Body Created by Migration of Fire Island Inlet, Long Island, New York: ABSTRACT N. Kumar, J. E. Sanders 1972 634 634 56 3. (March) Dated maps...


Abstract: The Mantle under Betics and Gibraltar Arc from Seismic Anisotropy and Body-Wave Dispersion

Götz Bokelmann, Emeline Maufroy, Luisa Buontempo, Jose Morales, and Guilhem Barruol

Search and

..., and also the dispersion of body waves. Since seismic anisotropy can constrain deformation in the mantle, and thus flow, we are studying the splitting...


4. Grain Orientation Studies of Recent Sands

Joseph R. Curray

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a beach foreshore and the wave-washed part of the berm show a preferred orientation direction parallel to the backwash direction of the waves...


Three Critical Environments Of Deposition and Their Paleogeographic Implications

John Lyon Rich

Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society

...Three Critical Environments Of Deposition and Their Paleogeographic Implications John Lyon Rich 1955 21 22 Vol. 2 (1955) No. 3. (June) In a body...


Laboratory Experiments on Form and Structure of Offshore Bars and Beaches: ABSTRACT

Edwin D. McKee

AAPG Bulletin

... one variable at a time, factors responsible for major differences in primary structure and in shape of sand body have been determined. These factors...


High-Energy Carbonate-Sand Accumulation, the Quicksands, Southwest Florida Keys: DISCUSSION

Cyril Galvin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... northwestward will be fronted by winds from the east, producing currents and waves moving west. A minimum hurricane with winds of 75 miles per hour...


Downslope Transport on a High-Energy Shoreface: Evidence From Eastern Australia: ABSTRACT

Michael E. Field, Peter S. Roy

AAPG Bulletin

... morphology indicates coalescing of individual sediment lobes and damming of bedload sediment against bed-rock ridges at the toe of the sand body in water...


Recognition and Mapping of Paleozoic Reef Buildups in West Siberia

N. P. Zapivalov, I. A. Pekhtereva, Z. Ya. Serdyuk, G. F. Shmatalyuk

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... 19800-22800 a reef body is probably present in the upper part of the pre-Jurassic section. Its closure is 180-200 m and it is 3 km long on the profile. The top...


A Note on Wind and Wave Conditions in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence

E. A. Bryant, S. B. McCann

Atlantic Geology

..., Ont. The Gulf of St. Lawrence is an enclosed elongate body of water defined by the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland on the north and northwest...


The Relation Between the Size of Wave-Formed Ripple Marks, Depth of Water, and the Size of the Generating Waves

O. F. Evans

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...The Relation Between the Size of Wave-Formed Ripple Marks, Depth of Water, and the Size of the Generating Waves O. F. Evans 1942 Vol. 12 No. 1...


Large Sand Waves in Navarinsky Canyon Head: Products of Density Underflows?: REPLY

H. A. Karl, D. A. Cacchione, P. R. Carlson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... shelf and flow with sufficient velocity to transport sand. Presumably, then, the sand body in which the sand waves have developed was emplaced during...


Abstract: Interferometric Assessment of Clamping Quality of Borehole Geophones; #90224 (2015)

Yoones Vaezi and Mirko van der Baan

Search and

... appearance of clean body waves in the correlation gathers suggest a properly maintained coupling. We have applied this method to two different borehole...


Abstract: Seismicity of Peninsular Malaysia

J. K. Raj

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of epicentres defining a broad, curvilinear zone that parallels the trends of Sumatra and Java. Within this zone, earthquakes with body wave...


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