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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 9,829 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Advantages And Challenges In Drilling Horizontal Cbm Wells: A Geomechanical And Modeling Study In The San Juan Basin, USA

Thomas Gentzis

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

...ABSTRACT: Advantages And Challenges In Drilling Horizontal Cbm Wells: A Geomechanical And Modeling Study In The San Juan Basin, USA Thomas Gentzis...


Integrated Surface-Downhole Acquisition Geometries … The Way to Higher Detailed Reservoir Investigation

A.A. Tabakov, K.V. Baranov

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... (just like in conventional land seismic) and at the bottom of a borehole which is located in investigated area. Having records from the downhole device...


ISCA: Quick Real-Time Sand Potential Prediction Simulator based on Critical Drawdown Failure and Machine Learning Model

Alaex Izzal Biladi, Mohammad Edwin Alif Utama, Jihaan Aliyyah Widagdo, Vincent Chandra, Steven Chandra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... consequences is sand production. The sand control measures come with their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. While the reactive measures...


Drilling Fluid: Part 3. Wellsite Methods

David B. Young

AAPG Special Volumes

... formation damage. There are several advantages and disadvantages of this type of mud system. The advantages include the following: -- Shale...


Supplemental Geologic Tools

R. G. Hamilton

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... be thoroughly familiar with the limitations and disadvantages of a well logging method and device as well as the advantages and superior features...


Borehole Image Tool Design, Value of Information, and Tool Selection

Javier O. Lagraba P., Steven M. Hansen, Mirano Spalburg, Mohammed Helmy

AAPG Special Volumes

... (CAST-V, Halliburton). The advantages of acoustic imaging tools are their applicability in all mud systems and full 360-degree borehole...


Abstract: Methodology to Obtain an Accurate TOC Output from Spectroscopy Logs in Oil Base Mud Systems; #90224 (2015)

Rob Badry and Jeffrey Miles

Search and

... Schlumberger-Doll Research, Boston, MA, USA 2 Abstract The Litho Scanner* pulsed-neutron spectroscopy tool combines the advantages of inelastic...


Acquisition and Interpretation of Horizontal Well Logs

Kyel Hodenfield, Bill Scanlan

Pacific Section of AAPG

... Logging (CTL) techniques. There are certain advantages and disadvantages to each method which will be discussed in this paper. LWD is an important option...


ABSTRACT: Optical Description of Amorphous Kerogen in both Thin Sections and Isolated Kerogen Preparations

Carolyn L. Thompson-Rizer

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... rock or isolated kerogen were not used but are discussed for comparison. The advantages and disadvantages of the different sample preparations...


Core Orientation: Part 3. Wellsite Methods

Douglas C. Bleakly

AAPG Special Volumes

.... That data, combined with laboratory or borehole information (wireline or televiewer runs) may not be available for days or months. ADVANTAGES...


Fracture Evaluation in the Austin Chalk

Tom Fett

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

... of imaging devices have their advantages and disadvantages. The acoustical devices give full (360 degrees) coverage and will operate in any mud system...


Fracture Evaluation in the Austin Chalk

Tom Fett

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... of imaging devices has its advantages and disadvantages. The acoustical devices give full (360 degrees) coverage and will operate in any mud system...


Demonstrating Capability

Trond Gravem

GEO ExPro Magazine

... drilling parameters (MWD) and logging formation characteristics (LWD) whilst drilling. During the logging of two North Sea fields, the advantages...


Sidewall Coring: Part 3. Wellsite Methods

Lee Whitebay

AAPG Special Volumes

... sidewall coring systems (Figure 1). These tools shoot hollow, retrievable, cylindrical bullets 1 in. wide by 1.75 in. long into the borehole wall...


Prediction of Depth and Velocity on VSP Data: ABSTRACT

Dale G. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... in the borehole. Both up and downgoing waves are recorded and are separable. Layers beneath the borehole are recorded in the upgoing waves at every receiver...


Geothermal Measurements in Northern Canada

Alan Judge

CSPG Special Publications

... or semipermanent installation. Advantages and disadvantages exist with either method, and these have been discussed elsewhere (Judge 1973b, c). Thermistor...


Lost Time and Lost Opportunity: The Realities of Poor Data Management

Alaa E. Sallam

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... be simple if management studies the different needs of its work groups, weighs the advantages and disadvantages of different systems, and adopts one form...


Frontier and Underexplored Basins of New Mexico - Workshop Summary

Ron Broadhead, Dave Schoderbek, Bruce Black


..., the advantages of air drilling are more than offset by some inherent disadvantages. Hole problems result from too rapid penetration. Cuttings returns are often...


Calcium Carbonate Sedimentation on the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Margin: A New Tool for Chemical Stratigraphy and Depositional Modelling

Douglas F. Williams , Dwight M. Trainor , Thomas Guilderson , Ronald Gamble , Jeffrey Corbin

GCAGS Transactions

... of chemical stratigraphy in offshore exploration wells. One of the advantages of a carbonate stratigraphy is that carbonate contents can be determined...


A Quantitative Stratigraphic Model for Alluvium, with Special Reference to Channel Deposit Density and Interconnectedness

M. R. Leeder

Dallas Geological Society

... the geologically rapid oscillations of sea level during the Pleistocene have given both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include a vivid appreciation...


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