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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 188 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Discrimination Among Grain-Size Distributions by Canonical Analysis as Aid to Environmental Interpretation: ABSTRACT

David M. Poole

AAPG Bulletin

...Discrimination Among Grain-Size Distributions by Canonical Analysis as Aid to Environmental Interpretation: ABSTRACT David M. Poole 1974 916 916 58 5...


X-Ray Mineralogical Discrimination of Depositional Environments of the Krishna Delta, Peninsular India

Ray E. Ferrell , George F. Hart , Seetarama Swamy , Bhanu Murthy

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a limited test of the canonical equations established by the first DFA analysis and also were 100% successful in the classification analysis. Most...


Composition of Modern Sand from the Sierra Nevada, California, U.S.A.: Implications for Actualistic Petrofacies of Continental-Margin Magmatic Arcs

Raymond V. Ingersoll, Daniel J. Eastmond

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The canonical plot is a two-dimensional representation of multidimensional space. Unlike in ternary plots (Figs. 6, 7) and scatter charts (Fig. 3...


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... College Press, Chapter 11, p. 317-364. Tolbert, B.T., and X. Wu, 2015, Quantifying Pore Size Distribution Effect on Gas in Place and Recovery Using SLD...


Hydrodynamic Implications of Beach, Beach Ridge and Dune Grain Size Studies

Frank W. Stapor , William F. Tanner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...), Stepwise linear discriminant and canonical analyses of beach, beach ridge and coastal dune (slip-face) sands from localities around the Gulf of Mexico...


A Multiscale Digital Rock Workflow for Shale Matrix Permeability Prediction

Min Zhang, Rafael Salazar-Tio, Andrew Fager, Bernd Crouse

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) method. Our simulation results show that at a given temperature, the total methane uptake in the kerogen pore...


Quantitative Biofacies Analysis

Martin A. Buzas

Special Publications of SEPM

... and reanalyzed the data. Figure 10 shows the bays and three open-ocean areas are clearly discernible using only In this case the first two canonical variates...


Trace Element Composition of Detrital Magnetite from Coastal Sediments of Northwestern Japan Sea for Provenance Study

N. G. Razjigaeva, V. V. Naumova

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...) to those of intermediate and acid rocks (10, 11, 12, 13 and 17) is shown in the second canonical variate. Groups of alkaline magnetites occur...


Abstract: Application Of Canonical Correlation Analysis In Studies Of Geochemical Compositions Of Crude Oils From Williston Basin; #90213 (2015)

Nikos Pasadakis, Kirk G. Osadetz, and Mark Obermajer

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...Abstract: Application Of Canonical Correlation Analysis In Studies Of Geochemical Compositions Of Crude Oils From Williston Basin; #90213 (2015...


A Preliminary Study of the Relationship Between Test Morphology and Bathymetry in Recent Bolivina Albatrossi Cushman, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico

Anthony C. Gary

GCAGS Transactions

... to important environmental variables. Canonical discriminant analysis reduced the variable dimensions and revealed specific shape components relatable...


Discrimination of Depositional Environments Using Settling Tube Data

Asahiko Taira , Peter A. Scholle

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... 789. End_Page 790------------------------ of grain diameter was chosen for the representation of grain "size" (see Taira and Scholle, 1977...


Confinement Effects on Hydrocarbon Mixture Phase Behavior in Organic Nanopore

Behnaz Rahmani, Yucel I. Akkutlu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of single component fluid in confinement (using the Grand Canonical ensemble) and report new results. In these simulations, all fluid-wall and fluid-fluid...


Characterizing Modern and Holocene Barrier-Island Environments with Foraminiferal Assemblages: an Example from a Wave-Dominated, Microtidal Barrier-Island System, North Carolina, USA

Nina Maria-Elena Shmorhun, Stephen J. Culver, David J. Mallinson, Kathleen M. Farrell, Amy Cressman, Alisson Grove, Lillian Howie, Ashley Lynn, Seth Sutton, Michael Twarog, Stanley R. Riggs


...). The relationship between the SGC 464 SHMORHUN ET AL. PA L A I O S FIG. 10.—Ebb-tidal delta cores: discriminant analysis plots for canonical discriminant...


The effective source rocks in the Cambay basin, India

A. Banerjee, S. Pahari, M. Jha, A. K. Sinha, A. K. Jain, N. Kumar, N. J. Thomas, K. N. Misra, K. Chandra

AAPG Bulletin

.... 77, p. 29-48. Banerjee, A., A. K. Sinha, A. K. Jain, N. J. Thomas, K. N. Misra, and K. Chandra, 1998, A mathematical representation of Rock-Eval...


Organic geochemistry of the Middle to Upper Jurassic source rocks succession in Balad-1 Well, Balad Oil Field, Central Iraq

Fawzi M. O. Albeyati, Rzger A. Abdula, Rushdy S. Othman

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... the canonical variable (CV) for bitumen extract samples from Balad Oil Field, Central Iraq (modified from Sofer, 1984). Figure 10: Pristane/n-C17 vs...


Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Confinement Effect on Gas Properties in Nano-scale Porous Media

Shadi Salahshoor, Mashhad Fahs

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the molecules. They used molecular simulation (Grand Canonical Monte Carlo) and their calculations did not involve the use of any equations of state...


Use of Bulk Chemical Analyses in Stratigraphic Correlation of Sandstones: An Example from the Statfjord Nord Field, Norwegian Continental Shelf

S.N. Ehrenberg, E. Siring

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... 13. Unfortunately, only 10 of the samples from the disputed interval in well 13 have been analyzed by point counting and XRD. Applying the canonical...


Evaluation of oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca ratios from a Maldivian scleractinian coral for reconstruction of climate variability in the northwestern Indian Ocean

David Storz, Eberhard Gischler, Jens Fiebig, Anton Eisenhauer, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg


... Kiel, Ludewig-Meyn-Str. 10, 24118 Kiel, Germany, [email protected] * Corresponding author. Present address: Biodiversity and Climate Research...


Integration and Evaluation of Four Geochemical Methods for Regional Onshore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada; #41062 (2012)

David Seneshen and John Fontana

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... the oil & gas fields. Hydrocarbon concentrations were plotted as proportional symbols in ArcGIS 10.0 and canonical score plots from discriminant...


Stable Isotopes in Petroleum Exploration: Chapter 9: GEOCHEMICAL METHODS AND EXPLORATION

Zvi Sofer

AAPG Special Volumes

...Stable Isotopes in Petroleum Exploration: Chapter 9: GEOCHEMICAL METHODS AND EXPLORATION Zvi Sofer 1991 103 106 TR: Source and Migration Processes...


Benthic Foraminifera at the Shelfbreak: North American Atlantic and Gulf Margins

Stephen J. Culver, Martin A. Buzas

Special Publications of SEPM

... is a better representation of overall environmental conditions than the living population This may be so because during the course thousands of square kilo...


Unique Geochemical Methods for Regional On-shore Petroleum Exploration in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, #50375 (2011)

David Seneshen, John V. Fontana

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... and Mayogiak) 100% Ethane (C2) Produced Sussex Gas Produced Shannon Gas Produced Niobrara Gas 10 Produced Codell Gas 90 Produced “J” Sand Gas Produced...


The Geochemical imaging Technique for CO2 Monitoring in the Saline Aquifer of Krechba Field Algeria

Zeboudj Fayçal, Bahi Lakhdar

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... as outliers in this survey. Figure 9. Outliers areal distribution CCUS 4010767 14 Figure 10. Geochemical signatures of the outliers Canonical...


ABSTRACT: Alamein Basin Hydrocarbon Potentials, Northern Western Desert, Egypt; #90013 (2003)

M. A. Younes, Moharrem Bek

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... sulfur contents, oleanane index <10% and the canonical variable parameter is >0.47. These results show that all oil samples analyzed were derived from...


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