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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 174 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Microfossils and the World of Chalk and Chert

James Etienne

GEO ExPro Magazine

... likely to be preserved and recovered from well cuttings and core than macrofossils are (see also: GeoExpro 2022-5, 72-75). They provide a basis...


Experimental and Field Studies on the Genesis of Sandstones

Gerard V. Middleton

Wyoming Geological Association

..., practical and readily identifiable data from recent work in sedimentology that can be applied directly to oil exploration. To a junior geologist, working...


Changes in Depositional Processes—An Ingredient in a New Generation of Sequence-Stratigraphic Models

Shuji Yoshida, Ron J. Steel, Robert W. Dalrymple

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... there is a lack of data on process and product change from both modern and ancient depositional systems. For example, the few well-studied Holocene examples...


Toward more accurate quartz cement models: The importance of euhedral versus noneuhedral growth rates

Robert H. Lander, Richard E. Larese, Linda M. Bonnell

AAPG Bulletin

... compared to detrital grain surfaces. Most sand grains have well-developed dust rims that reflect minor adhesions of nonquartz materials or damage from...


Abstract: Biostratigraphy of Late Miocene of North Eastern Morocco Contribution of Planktonic Foraminifera

Nadia Barhoun, Abdelkhalak Ben Moussa, and Khalil El Hajjaji

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... Abdelmalek Essaadi The aim of this work is to contribute, starting from planktonic Foraminifera, at the realization of a precise chronological framework...


Fluvial Systems of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Montana and Idaho, U.S.A.

Don Winston

CSPG Special Publications

... hundreds of meters thick extend from the fault-bounded south side of the Belt Basin out across the basin for hundreds of kilometers, forming parts...


Fluvial Systems of the Precambrian Belt Supergroup, Montana and Idaho, U.S.A.

Don Winston

Dallas Geological Society

... hundreds of meters thick extend from the fault-bounded south side of the Belt Basin out across the basin for hundreds of kilometers, forming parts...


Residual Sediment Transport Paths on a Tidal Sand Bank: A Comparison Between the Modified McLaren Model and Bedform Analysis

Veerle Vanwesenbeeck , Jean Lanckneus

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and tested and calibrated with real data, they can provide useful information. Satellite imagery, together with information from a 2-D numerical model, can...


Characteristics of Continental Shelves and Slopes

K. O. Emery

AAPG Bulletin

... of the geology of continental shelves and slopes. Data from the surface of the sea floor are restricted largely to topography and sediments--data which...



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Palaeohydrological Reconstructions From a Holocene Valley Fill

Michael Church

Dallas Geological Society

...; hydraulic parameters derived from crest-stage data interpreted via observed hydraulic geometry relationships. Bedload measurements based on trap samples...


Palaeohydrological Reconstructions From a Holocene Valley Fill

Michael Church

CSPG Special Publications

...; hydraulic parameters derived from crest-stage data interpreted via observed hydraulic geometry relationships. Bedload measurements based on trap samples...


The Gravity Field of Borneo and Its Region

John Milsom

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of as little as 10 km, and good agreement with data from shipborne surveys. By placing Borneo in its regional context, they provide important new constraints...


The New Global Tectonics--An Assessment

John C. Maxwell

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Dehlinger et al. (1971) found, as a result of analysis of earthquake data, that fault-plane solutions over the entire area from the Gorda and Juan de...


The Effects of Late Quaternary Sea-level Changes on the Rhone Slope Sedimentation (Northwestern Mediterranean), as Indicated by Seismic Stratigraphy

J. Torres, B. Savoye, P. Cochonat

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the structural and sedimentary history of the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean), from the ECORS profiles, industrial seismic profiles and well data...


Overpressure in the Shelfal Area of the Lower Kutai Basin

Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the area. In predicting the overpressure while drilling a well, they only rely on the pressure data available from offset wells. If disequilibrium...


Hudson Bay Sea-Floor Photographs

F. G. Barber, E. H. Grainger, B. R. Pelletier

Atlantic Geology

... stations were occupied at eight locations in Hudson Bay, at depths ranging from 55 to 183 m. Photographs from five of these stations (Fig. 1) are given...


The Middle Cretaceous Urgonian Platform of Southeastern France: Chapter 32

Dave Hunt , Maurice E. Tucker

AAPG Special Volumes

... and relatively undeformed nature of exposures, particularly in the Vercors, makes them ideal for studying platform development and geometry from...


Shelf and Deep-Sea Sedimentation in Eocene Forearc Basin, Western Oregon--Fan or Non-Fan?

M. A. Chan , R. H. Dott, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... composition is 19% quartz, 27% feldspar, 19% volcanic rock fragments, 7% other rock fragments, and 28% accessories and cement. Paleocurrent data from...


Pre-Cambrian Geology of the Area Between Clay Basin and Browns Park in Utah and Colorado

Wallace R. Hansen

Wyoming Geological Association

... is less well exposed than at the place cited above, but it is clearly an unconformity, as opposed to a fault, and has a relief of 50 feet or more. At still...


Ephemeral-Fluvial Deposits: Integrated Outcrop and Simulation Studies Reveal Complexity

Colin P. North , Katy S. Taylor

AAPG Bulletin

..., but these concentrated on deducing bed-form and bounding surface geometry (e.g., Bromley, 1991), and have not yielded a synthesis readily usable...


Particle Fabric and Sedimentation of Structureless Sand, Southern Iceland

Robert A. Duller, Nigel P. Mountney, Andrew J. Russell

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of the particle-fabric data presented here is based on analyses of deposits from this most recent event. Figure 1. A) Regional location map...


Cow Head Breccia Sedimentology of the Cambro-Ordovician Continental Margin Newfoundland

J. F. Hubert, R. K. Suchecki, R. K. M. Callahan

Special Publications of SEPM

... BONNE FIG I BAY Geologic map of the Cow Head klippe Geology modified from Oxley 1953 Portland Hill P o REVERSE MAJOR GEOLOGIC KM FAULT...


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