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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 70,326 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Early Diagenesis of Pleistocene Carbonates from a Hydrogeochemical Point of View, Irabu Island, Ryukyu Islands: Porosity Changes Related to Early Carbonate Diagenesis

Hiroki Matsuda, Yoshihiro Tsuji, Nobuyuki Honda, and Jun-ichi Saotome

AAPG Special Volumes

...Early Diagenesis of Pleistocene Carbonates from a Hydrogeochemical Point of View, Irabu Island, Ryukyu Islands: Porosity Changes Related to Early...


Early Diagensis and Lithification of Carbonate Sediments in South Florida

Robert N. Ginsburg

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Early Diagensis and Lithification of Carbonate Sediments in South Florida Robert N. Ginsburg 1954 Vol. 24 No. 2. (June), Diagenesis and lithification...


Porosity Preservation and Early Freshwater Diagenesis of Marine Carbonate Sands: ABSTRACT

Robert B. Halley, David K. Beach

AAPG Bulletin

...Porosity Preservation and Early Freshwater Diagenesis of Marine Carbonate Sands: ABSTRACT Robert B. Halley, David K. Beach 1979 460 460 63 3. (March...


Abstract: Constraints for Carbonate Mound Formation: Sediment Architecture, Facies Patterns, and Early Diagenesis (Jurassic, Atlas Mountains, Morocco)

Stephanie Larmagnat and Fritz Neuweiler

Search and

...Abstract: Constraints for Carbonate Mound Formation: Sediment Architecture, Facies Patterns, and Early Diagenesis (Jurassic, Atlas Mountains, Morocco...


Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Particles in Clastic Sediments: ABSTRACT

Keith E. Chave

AAPG Bulletin

...Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Particles in Clastic Sediments: ABSTRACT Keith E. Chave 1966 607 607 50 3. (March) Complex carbonate mineral...


Early Diagenesis and Lithification in Carbonate Sediments: ERRATUM

Gerald M. Friedman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Early Diagenesis and Lithification in Carbonate Sediments: ERRATUM Gerald M. Friedman 1965 Vol. 35 No. 2. (June), Figure 49 is a modification by E. G...


AAPG Memoir 77, Chapter 3: GRAINS: Skeletal Fragments: Other Micro- and Nannofossils

Peter A. Scholle and Dana Ulmer-Scholle

AAPG Special Volumes

... 77: A Color Guide to the Petrography of Carbonate Rocks: Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis Banner, F. T., 1972, Pithonella ovalis from the early...


Environmental and Diagenetic Controls of Carbonate Source Rocks: ABSTRACT

M. Malek-Aslani

AAPG Bulletin

..., calcite cements, and dolomitic mosaics. Thus, early and late diagenesis helps to bring about a continuous segregation of bitumens and hydrocarbons from...


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