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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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2.3 Detached Sediments in Extensional Provinces: 2.3.1 Growth Faults: Expansion Fault--Gulf of Mexico

D. C. Johnson, R. G. Fifer, and K. A. McQuillan

AAPG Special Volumes

... representation of the fault plane on the seismic profile. Secondary faulting associated with expansion faults consists of parallel and antithetic faults...


Geologic Interpretation of a Seismic Profile Across Oregon Basin Thrust, West Flank of Big Horn Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Donald S. Stone

AAPG Bulletin

... fault-plane solution and in understanding the attenuation of footwall seismic data. The seismic profile traverses three major thrust-fold trends...


ABSTRACT Impact on Faults and Across Fault Flow on Reserves Calculation, #90104 (2010)

Mainster Merrick; Murray Titus; Christie Greg

Search and

... on sand juxtapositions in faults.  Using deterministic and probabilistic seal/leakage fault plane profile (Allan Map) models for in the analysis...


Structural and Stratigraphic Uses of Dip Profiles in Petroleum Exploration

C. A. Bengtson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 1. [Color] Relation of dip profile slope to bedding curvature. FOOTNOTE 1. The term "plane" as used in expressions such as "axial plane," and "fault...


Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults Along a Major Wrench Trend in the Kakap Area, West Natuna Basin

Mu'adz Chalik

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... through fault plane profile analysis, Marathon Petroleum Indonesia, Unpublished Report. Daines, S.R., 1985. Structural history of the West Natuna Basin...


Abstract: 3D Seismic Characterization and Petroleum Significance of Shallow Faults on the Shijiutuo Uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, China; #90255 (2017)

Zhongheng Sun, Huayao Zou, Fang Hao

Search and

... on the fault plane of two faults (F1 and F2) on the Shijiutuo Uplift to illustrate accurately activity features of shallow faults. According...


Prospects for Discovery of New Gas Pools in the Cis-Carpathian Downwarp

Yu. R. Karpenchuk, A. S. Pilipchuk

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., and probable fault-seal pools, respectively; 9-drill holes; 10-line of profile. Figure 2. Geologic profile along line I-I. 1-Sambor thrust sheet...


Geothermal Investigations in Ustyurt

I. N. Shcherbakova, G. K. Ukolova, M. O. Lakhtionov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of heat in the loose Neogene-Quaternary sediments overlying the fault. On profile II (Fig. 3) the Kuanysh lineament coincides clearly with a 1.0°C anomaly...


On the Overthrust Nature of the Karlovo-Sytov Uplift of the Zhigulev Dislocation

V. A. Lobov, I. Kh. Kaveyev, I. L. Khanin, V. I. Kalinin, L. G. Khaykin, A. I. Kalugina

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of Assel stage; 4-deep wells; 5-structural wells. The fault plane dips from north to south. It is practically horizontal between wells 451 and 452...


Abstract: Mechanical Models of Compressional Fault-Related Folds: Controls on Deformation and Internal Stress

K. D. Apperson

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Mechanical Models of Compressional Fault-Related Folds: Controls on Deformation and Internal Stress K. D. Apperson 1991 54 55 Plane strain...


Displacement distributions on extensional faults: Implications for fault stretch, linkage, and seal

S. A. Stewart

AAPG Bulletin

..., figure 5). Figure 1. Fault plane separation sketch (Allan diagram) showing final profile of a hanging-wall bedding cutoff along the length...


Know Your Faults!: Part I

Rasoul Sorkhabi

GEO ExPro Magazine

... (volume 4, 1835) Sir Charles Lyell wrote: “A Fault, in the language of Miners, is the sudden interruption in the continuity of strata in the same plane...


Fault-Seal Analysis in Minas Field Area-1, Central Sumatra Basin

Yohanes Bosko C. Indrarto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by reservoir pressure and pressure interference test, where communication across the fault plane is occurring. Buoyancy pressure profile and estimated...


Abstract: Salt Ridges Along Extensional Faults: A Kinematic Indicator;

William Beck, Hermann Lebit, Jeffery Tilton, Taylor Buckley

Search and

... recognize corrugation of the fault plane as a result of linked fault segments while large scale corrugations are mostly attributed to syn-extension...


2.2 Basement Involved: 2.2.2 Rifts: Low-Angle Normal Faulting, Marys River Valley, Nevada

B. A. Robison

AAPG Special Volumes

... appears to flatten dramatically on the western portion of the profile. The remainder of the profile below the fault plane reflection shows no strong...


Modern Analytical Techniques for Fault Surface Seal Analysis: A Gulf Coast Case History

Mary J. Broussard , Brian E. Lock

GCAGS Transactions

... of the hydrocarbons in the Second Sand to migrate into the First Sand rollover. If a profile within the fault plane can be constructed, it will reveal...


Planimetric Equation

C. Warren Hunt

CSPG Bulletin

... result in a resolution of tectonic features if the profile plane represents a summation of orogenetic vectors. Rock displacement must be parallel...


Deep Structure of the Paleozoic Sediments of the Smushkov Swell (Based on Geophysical Data)

V. S. Slavkin, P. A. Besprozvannyy, V. K. Burakov, V. Ye. Zin’kovskiy, I. S. Lein

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... plane along the line of profile (Fig. 2) are several maximums, which indicate the presence in the sedimentary cover of singularities in the field...


1.2 Seismic Stratigraphy: 1.2.1 High Resolution Profiles: Slump Structures on the Outer Continental Margin of Southwestern Africa

R. V. Dingle

AAPG Special Volumes

... component. Because of this, in the western half of the profile the direction of movement was downslope, but out of the plane of the section (toward...


Geophysical Mapping of Hockley Fault in NW Houston: A Few Surprising Results

Mustafa Saribudak

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...) is from 75 to 100 ft. Profile L1 does not indicate any fault offset visible in the soil layers over the fault scarp, which was several inches in height...


Role of the Main Udmurt Fault in Formation of Oil-Bearing Structures in Sedimentary Rocks

I. M. Urazayev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., the surface of which is inclined to the east. See Fig. 1. It seems probable that this surface characterizes the plane of a fault which displace the magnito...


Effects of subsidiary faults on the geometric construction of listric normal fault systems (Geologic Note)

Tingguang Song, Peter A. Cawood

AAPG Bulletin

... fault (toward the right in Figure 2). The relocated horizon is then moved parallel with the regional dip until it intersects the master fault plane...


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