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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 44,222 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Prediction and Timing of Production Induced Fault Seal Breakdown In The South Marsh Island 66 Gas Field, by T. Dincau; #90932 (1998).
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Prediction and Timing of Production Induced Fault Seal Breakdown in the South Marsh Island 66 Gas Field
Anthony R. Dincau
GCAGS Transactions
...Prediction and Timing of Production Induced Fault Seal Breakdown in the South Marsh Island 66 Gas Field Anthony R. Dincau 1998 Vol. 48 (1998...
ABSTRACT: Integrated Fault Seal Analysis and Risk Assessment: Okan and Meren Fields, Nigeria, by Richard A. Eisenberg, Robert J. Brenneman, and Adepoju A. Adeogba; #91019 (1996)
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Abstract: The Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic/Fault Slicing/Clay Shearing on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage, by B. I. Jev, C. H. Kaars-Sijpestein, M. P. M. A. Peters, and J. T. Wilkie; #91004 (1991)
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Abstract: Fault Seal Analysis of Okan and Meren Fields, Nigeria, by R. A. Eisenberg, R. J. Brenneman, and A. A. Adeogba; #90956 (1995).
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Structural Geology: Faults
Mike Shepherd
AAPG Special Volumes
... well to a production well, and this indicated that the fault seal had broken down with production (Shaw et al., 1996).Dincau (1998) analyzed fault...
Abstract: Risking Fault Seals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Joint Industry Study
Grant Skerlec
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... neglecting routine fault seal analysis during field development. Dry holes and mistaken assessments of reserves result from neglecting routine fault...
ABSTRACT: Risking Fault Seal in the Gulf Coast: A Joint Industry Study, by Grant M. Skerlec; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Behavior at Beryl Field, UK North Sea: Observations from 20 Years of Production, Drilling and Injection Data, by Steven Buck and Gary Robertson; #91019 (1996)
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Regional Characterization of Caprock Seals Associated with Flowback Disposal Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing Barriers
Felipe A. Lozano, Nelly P. Rubio, María F. Segovia, Jose M. Marentes, Henry G. Suarez, Nelbett K. Marfisi, Ana M. López
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... behavior of the caprock seal during the injection of flowback, and the behavior of the hydraulic fracturing caprock seal after the hydraulic fracturing...
Efficient Inclusion of Faults and Fault Flow Properties in Reservoir Models. The Example of Karish Field, Offshore Israel
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Production-Induced Capillary Breakdown of Reservoir Barriers, #41133 (2013)
Alton Brown
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... Po, 0.3 bpd Pw, 0.3 bpd 100 Figure 7. Cross-barrier pressure difference during modeled gas barrier breakdown shown at right. Prior to production...
ABSTRACT: Predicting Fault and Top Seal Behaviour: Examples of Static and Dynamic Sealing from the Exploration to the Production Phase; #90061 (2006)
Paul Reemst and Gary Ingram
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..., Netherlands Different techniques are required to predict fault and top seal behaviour during the hydrocarbon exploration and the production phase. We show...
Fault-seal analysis South Marsh Island 36 field, Gulf of Mexico
Russell K. Davies, Linji An, Paul Jones, Anne Mathis, Carol Cornette
AAPG Bulletin
... the fault before pressure support between the reservoirs suggesting seal “breakdown.” Allan, U. S., 1989, Model for hydrocarbon migration and entrapment...
ABSTRACT: Tectono-Stratigraphic Model for Ghazij Formation and its Implication on Hydrocarbon Exploration in Kirthar Foldbelt, Pakistan, by Ahmad, Abrar; Ali, Moshin; Hussain, Abid; Sardar, Naeem; #90155 (2012)
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Methodology for risking fault seal capacity: Implications of fault zone architecture
Roald B. Farseth, Eivind Johnsen, Susanne Sperrevik
AAPG Bulletin
..., Fault seal processes, in P. Moller-Pedersen and A. G. Koestler, eds., Hydrocarbon seals: Importance for exploration and production: Norwegian Petroleum...
Exploring for unswept gas: Integrating reservoir models, production data, and fault seal analysis in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
David Kulikowski, and Alexander G. Robson
AAPG Bulletin
... in fluid properties during production may indicate mixing with adjoining pools that were previously isolated (i.e., via fault breakdown). Alternatively...
Fault transmissibility in clastic-argillaceous sequences controlled by clay smear evolution
Silvio B. Giger, Michael B. Clennell, N. Bozkurt Ciftci, Craig Harbers, Peter Clark, Mark Ricchetti
AAPG Bulletin
... smear factors (i.e., normalized displacement at which seal breakdown occurs) into probabilistic fault seal algorithms that consider important...
An integrated, quantitative approach to assessing fault-seal risk
Richard M. Jones, Richard R. Hillis
AAPG Bulletin
.... Fault seal is, therefore, a major exploration and production uncertainty. We introduce a systematic framework in which the geologic risk of faults...
ABSTRACT: Integration of 3-D Structural Modeling and Fault Seal Analysis to Reduce Reservoir Uncertainty; #90013 (2003)
John R. Tabor, Jay P. Busch
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... to calculate fault-seal capacity and constrain the cross-fault flow during production. The business impact of this approach is significant in assessing...
Akaso Field, Nigeria: Use of Integrated 3-D Seismic, Fault Slicing, Clay Smearing, and RFT Pressure Data on Fault Trapping and Dynamic Leakage
B. I. Jev , C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn , M. P. A. M. Peters , N. L. Watts , J. T. Wilkie
AAPG Bulletin
..., the temporary stabilization and rise in Cawthorne E sands pressures after 3.8 × 106 m3 (24 million bbl) of production could suggest true fault seal failure...
Subsurface Geomechanics, Fracture Breakdown Pressures, and Fracture-tunnels in the Midwest United States, #80570 (2016).
J.R. Sminchak, Glenn Larsen, James E. Hicks
Search and Discovery.com
... production in the region. Subsurface Geomechanics, Fracture Breakdown Pressures, and ‘Fracture-tunnels’ in the Midwest U.S. J.R. Sminchak Glenn Larsen...
Stratigraphic Traps: Quantitative Approach Based upon a Producing Field Database, #40436 (2009)
Jean Gerard
Search and Discovery.com
...) Abstract Stratigraphic traps are hydrocarbon accumulations independent of structural or fault closure. The factors controlling the stratigrahic traps...
Abstract: Regional Approach to Solve Structural Complexity and Cataclastic Fault Seal, Southern North Sea, by Herald Ligtenberg; #90124 (2011)
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Fault Seal Analysis in the North Sea
Steven D. Knott
AAPG Bulletin
... during the production life of the field and over a range of pressure differentials. Seal is provided mainly by the fault plane itself due to, for example...