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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 43,643 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Abstract: Array Analysis of Surface Microseismic Data from the Rolla Microseismic Experiment; #90174 (2014)

Katarina Seckarova and David W. Eaton

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... which 30 events were analyzed to determine backazimuth and apparent velocity. This was accomplished by using a velocity analysis procedures similar...


erformance of Seismic Arrays in the Presence of Weathering Layer Variations, #41841 (2016).

Jubran Akram, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail

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... as compared to the entire array length. Introduction A receiver array response is defined as the sum of outputs of the individual receivers comprising...


Abstract: Advantages and Disadvantages of Array Depth Placement and Longer Toolstring Apertures; #90187 (2014)

N. Verkhovtseva and J. Shaffner

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... event (Zimmer 2010). The velocity model plays a major role in the apparent event apertures and therefore should be carefully considered when deciding...


Field Technique Design for Seismic Reflection Exploration

L. R. Denham

Dallas Geological Society

... example). Such an array will attenuate all arrivals with a wavelength of 40 m. The minimum apparent velocity of a reflection in the area at the target depth...


Extending the Resolution of Seismic Reflection Exploration

L. R. Denham

Pacific Section of AAPG

... an East Texas example [Figure 8]). Such an array will be 6 dB down at a wavelength of about 80 m. The minimum apparent velocity of a reflection...


Data Enhancement from a 486-Channel Streamer

Bill Dragoset, Ken Larner

Pacific Section of AAPG

... frequency components. The amount of attenuation depends on the velocity distribution, array length and offset, and reflector dip and depth. Figure 5...


3D installation of fiber cables for acquiring 3C DAS array data

Yingping Li, David Li, Lianjie Huang, Yingcai Zheng

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...). For a given sensor spacing (also gauge length) of 8 m, there are 4335 fiber “sensors” in this 3C DAS CCC fiber array. Introduction Distributed...


Abstract: Microseismic Event Location Accuracy Enhancement using Anisotropic Velocity Models; #90172 (2014)

Michael Jones, Richard Parker, Shawn Maxwell

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... value of 0.12 was selected for the parameter γ, governing the shear anisotropy. Given a velocity model and a survey geometry, it is possible...


Characterization of near-surface fractures for hydrogeological studies using azimuthal resistivity survey: A case history from the Mamu Formation, Enugu (Nigeria)

Ahamefula U. Utom, Benard I. Odoh, Daniel K. Amogu, Amobi C. Ekwe, Boniface C. E. Egboka

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... of anisotropy (Keller and Frischknecht, 1966; Habberjam, 1972), whereas the direction of maximum apparent resistivity measured by the collinear array...


Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions; #42328 (2018)

Ryan Adhi Putra, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail

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... indicates the delta (spike) function centered at t=0. The mathematical representation of the Ricker wavelet is given as: (2) Moreover, the array wavelet...


Geological Considerations during Microseismic Monitoring, Processing, and Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Treatment

J. Le Calvez, S. Hanson-Hedgecock, P. Primiero, T. Al-Wadhahi, O. Harrasi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., are the quality of the velocity model used, understanding the survey design biases and the seismic data quality. High levels of noise, array geometry...


The Effect of Velocity Uncertainty and Attenuation on Flow Estimates From Microseismicity

Oleg V. Poliannikov, Michael Fehler, Alison Malcolm

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... induced rock failure and seismic wave propagation, e.g., rock cohesion, rock friction, maximum and minimum stresses in the formation, velocity model...


Seismic Imaging through Outcropping Carbonates: An Example from the Canadian Rocky Mountains, , #41533 (2015).

Yong Hua, Don C. Lawton

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... (2015) Posted February 9, 2015 *Adapted from extended abstract prepared in conjunction with a presentation given at CSPG/CSEG 2007 GeoConvention, Calgary...


Specialized processing of a massive distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) 3D VSP in a producing well

Ali Sayed, Francesca Twynam, Ran Bachrach, Philippe Caprioli, Marcus Holloway, Qingsong Li, Reetam Biswas, Daniel Tebo, Sam Buist

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...apparent velocity (equations 2b and 2c) or maximum apparent wavelength (equations 2d). Figure 2: Denoise examples for DAS common noise suppression (a) f...


Abstract: Optimum Aperture Length for Improving Dispersion Curve Analysis in CMP Cross-Correlation of Surface Waves; #90187 (2014)

Roohollah Askari, Robert J. Ferguson, and Helen Isaac

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... is approximately equivalent to the maximum length of the observed wavelength and calculate the dispersion curve. Figure 3 shows the phase velocity. Here, we see two...


Reservoir Description by Interferometric Imaging of VSP Data in Transition Zones

Thomas Radford, Martin Karrenbach, Ferry Yustiana, Willi Brianno, Dhea Wachju

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the curves is readily apparent, showing an initial velocity drop followed by a general increase in velocity. However, the variability at each...


The Application of Velocities and Models to Seismic Interpretation

G. Jarrota

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... maximum generally indicates the seismic velocity for the corresponding time. The peak values of these amplitude curves are displayed on the right...


A Comparative Study of Conventional Arrays of Resistivity Prospecting with Differential Arrays

K. K. Sharma, S. Jayashree

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... over a conducting substratum (Fig. 2). For the first case (Fig. 1) the apparent resistivity curve obtained with a dipole array differs from those...


A Case for Microseismic Surface Arrays in Texas?

Hallie Meighan, Robert A. Hull, Earl Roberts

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., the patch- and nearby downhole-array recorded the same hydraulic stimulation and their microseismic datasets confirmed the same maximum stress azimuth...


Geophysical investigation of mine waste in the King River Delta, Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania

Matthew J. Cracknell, Sibele C. Nascimento, Wei Xuen Heng, Anita Parbhakar-Fox, Thomas A. Schaap

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... Nine shots, stacked three times, were collected for a given array at 0, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43 and 50 m. Geophone arrays were moved 32 m during...


First-Arrival Traveltime Inversion in the CMP Domain: Method and Application

Search and

..., and Zhu et al., 2000) which derives the near-surface velocity model based on traveltime reconstruction. The other approach is to map apparent velocities...


AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 18: Velocity Estimation for Pore-Pressure Prediction

David W. Bell

AAPG Special Volumes

... tectonic uplift and therefore exhibit a higher velocity for a given depth than expected from the compaction trend evident above the unconformity...


Long Period Long Duration Seismic Events During Hydraulic Stimulation of a Shale Gas Reservoir, #40761 (2011)

Indrajit Das, Mark D. Zoback,

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... the apparent velocity across the array. From apparent velocity we can get the approximate angle of arrival. 0s Lag time 0.2 s Density...


Abstract: Seismic Wave Attenuation due to Scattering and Leaky Mode Mechanisms in Heterogeneous Reservoirs; #90171 (2013)

Jun-Wei Huang, Gilles Bellefleur, and Bernd Milkereit

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... is controlled by the correlation length of the reservoir. We thus predict that the effects of leaky modes to the energy loss increase to the maximum...


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