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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 37,720 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Abstract: The use of sieve modelsŽ in introductory geological mapping

L. Ferguson

Atlantic Geology

... facilitates a student's understanding of"dip and strike" in rock layers. Sieve models are constructed from simple eight inch Atlantic Geology, March...


Abstract: Geologic Interpretation Of Turner Sandstone Integrating Core Data, Powder River Basin, Southwest Campbell County, Wyoming; #90301 (2017)

David D. Clark, Glen E. Christiansen, William F. Sawyer

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... of the Frontier Formation are currently attractive targets for horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracture stimulation completions in the deeper...


Abstract: Unconventional Approach to Estimate Permeability of Thin Beds in a Carbonate Reservoir with Vertical Interference Testing; #90254 (2016)

Christophe Bassem Maalouf, Salem Al Jaberi, Irina Baca Espinoza, F. Elarouci, S. Smith, and H. Khairy

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... to evaluate the reservoir communication, anisotropy ratio and zonal horizontal permeability. However, the standard method of homogeneous single-layer...


New Models for the Origin of Shale/Salt-Cored Anticlines in the Gulf of Mexico Using a Modified Area-Constant Detachment Fold Model

John H. Spang

GCAGS Transactions

... to the detachment, fault displacement and original, undeformed line length of the layers. The new models incorporate a unit, which can flow (e.g. over pressured...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Practical Challenges in Correlation of Fluvio-Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits

Dr. Janok P. Bhattacharya

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... as consisting of horizontal layers (i.e., “layer-cake”). Our outcrop examples suggest that sandstones within the delta front dip seaward. This fundamentally...


ABSTRACT: Applying the Clinoform Concept to Correlation of Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits; #90061 (2006)

Janok P. Bhattacharya

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... data. I show several examples of deltaic reservoirs originally depicted as consisting of horizontal layers (i.e. the layer-cake). Outcrop examples...


"Water and Miscible Flood Optimization in a Layered Reservoir [Abstract]"

Styan, W., Mullane, T.

CSPG Bulletin

... cycles. Syntaxially cemented crinoidal grainstones at the base of each cycle are impermeable and effectively segregate the reservoir into layers...


Natural and Induced Fracture Orientation: Discussion

M. King Hubbert

AAPG Special Volumes

... in the models, in two separate experiments, inhomogeneity was achieved by forming the models with alternating horizontal layers of gelatin...


Abstract: Assessment of the Areal and Vertical Sweep Efficiency in Cyclic Carbonate Reservoirs of the Middle East - A Case Study from a Mature Field; #90254 (2016)

Ruaa A. Jafaar Fadul, Jorge S. Gomes

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... layers), with various degrees of heterogeneity, on the areal and vertical sweep efficiency of waterflood projects. An example from an Onshore Abu...


Abstract: Full Waveform Inversion of Borehole Data in the Presence of High-Velocity Screens; #91204 (2023)

Ali Aldawood, Andrey Bakulin, Fuqiang Chen

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... the wave propagation in models with sharp variations. Based on this fact, we investigate how full-waveform inversion can help improve velocity estimations...


Layered Modulus Effect on Fracture Modeling and Height Containment

Kaimin Yue, Jon E. Olson, Richard A. Schultz

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... In these models, the moduli of the soft and stiff layers are 1 and 2 Mpsi, respectively, which are a good approximate for Eagle Ford formation. The FEM...


Abstract: Re-Fracturing and Water Flooding Western Canada Tight Oil Reservoir Horizontal Wells; #90224 (2015)

Andrew Cao, Tim Stephenson, Robert Jobling, and Richard Baker

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... industry. However, the box models cannot capture the heterogeneity that exists in the tight oil reservoirs, with inter-layers vertically and inner...


3D Inversion of Crosswell Electromagnetic Data Collected between Extremely Spaced Horizontal Wells, #41860 (2016).

Ping Zhang, Alberto Marsala, Stig Lyngra, Wael Abdallah, Mike Wilt

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... is sensitive to the layers above and below the reservoir. These layers only have constant conductivity inferred from the borehole logs (see models 2 and 3...


Extended Abstract: Using Crosswell Measurements to Enhance Velocity Model Calibration for Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring

Leah J. Hogarth, Conrad Kolb, Joël Le Calvez

GCAGS Transactions

... source-derived velocity models in both the horizontal and the vertical sections of a horizontal monitor well used to monitor a horizontal treatment...


Physical Models of Structural Styles During Extension: Chapter 7: Concepts

K. R. McClay

AAPG Special Volumes

... detail. The models were constructed by carefully sifting layers of sand, sand/clay mixtures, or mica layers into the deformation apparatus. Three...


The Influence of Mechanical Stratigraphy on the Evolution of the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt, #51659 (2020).

Youseph Ibrahim, Patrice Rey, Luke Mahoney,

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... a horizontal boundary velocity which pushes a rigid wedge-shaped indenter towards the left. The left wall in all models acts as a rigid backstop...


ABSTRACT: Computer Modeling of Bakken Fracture Systems

Dan Stright

Montana Geological Society

... and horizontal wells drilled in the Bakken Formation will be discussed and some results will be presented. Simple analytical models have been used...


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