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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,806 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reservoir and Clay Mineral Trends in the Morrow Formation, Southeastern New Mexico
Louis J. Mazzullo
West Texas Geological Society
... in a Morrow field in southeastern New Mexico is presented. The clay mineralogy of the sandstones is noted in the context of recognizing...
CO2 Flooding in the Morrow Formation - Workshop Summary
Chuck Fox, Russell Martin, Lanny Schoeling, Alan Byrnes, Richard Pancake, Pat Underwood
... while upper Morrow reservoirs include transgressive incised valley fill (IVF) deposits encased in marine shales. Because each reservoir lithofacies...
Sorrento Field, Denver Basin, Colorado
Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Donald J. McKenna, Philip J. McKenna
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...) southeast of Sorrento, is currently the largest field in southeast Colorado and has produced approximately 10 million BO. The oldest Morrow field...
Sorrento Field--U.S.A. Denver Basin, Colorado
Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Donald J. McKenna, Philip J. McKenna
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 1501-1502. Sonnenberg, S. A., 1985, Tectonic and sedimentation model for Morrow sandstone deposition, Sorrento field area, Denver basin, Colorado...
Evolution of Secondary Porosity in Pennsylvanian Morrow Sandstones, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma
Zuhair Al-Shaieb, Patty Walker
AAPG Special Volumes
... and the geometry of pore space are directly related to the original lithology. A better understanding of lithofacies is critical in evaluating reservoir quality...
Clifford Field: a Fluvial Valley-Fill Reservoir, Lincoln County, Colorado
Lee T. Shannon
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... in 1979 with the discovery of Sorrento and Stockholm Southwest fields (Fig. 1). Clifford Field represents the first significant post-1979 Morrow...
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Morrow in the Arroyo and Gentzler Fields of Southwestern Kansas
Abdulrahman M. I. Alissa, Timothy R. Carr
Kansas Geological Society
... Morrow successions in the Hugoton Embayment. Twenty-one lithofacies, representing upper estuarine to offshore depositional environments, were defined...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Morrow in the Arroyo and Gentzler Fields of Southwestern Kansas, by A. M. I. Alissa and T. R. Carr; #90921 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Lower and Middle Morrow of Southeastern New Mexico
Louis J. Mazzullo
Abilene Geological Society
...-section through the Morrow reservoir section, southeastern New Mexico. Gross lithofacies belts are indicated, based on analyses of samples from 1000...
Chemical effects of carbon dioxide sequestration in the Upper Morrow Sandstone in the Farnsworth, Texas, hydrocarbon unit
Bulbul Ahmmed, Martin S. Appold, Tianguang Fan, Brian J. O. L. McPherson, Reid B. Grigg, and Mark D. White
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... the effects on pore-water composition and mineralogy from carbon dioxide (CO2) injection into the Pennsylvanian Morrow B Sandstone in the Farnsworth Unit...
Detrital and Authigenic Clay Minerals in the Lower Morrow Sandstones of Eastern New Mexico
Jim Mazzullo, Louis J. Mazzullo
West Texas Geological Society
... of lithofacies across the Morrow depositional basin, especially near the top of the Middle Morrow unit. Figure 3. Schematic regional cross section across...
Depositional, Diagenetic, and Production History of the Upper Morrowan Buckhaults Sandstone, Farnsworth Field, Ochiltree County Texas
Timothy Wayne Munson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Munson 1994 2 20 Farnsworth Field in Ochiltree County, Texas is the most prolific Upper Morrow oil field in the Anadarko Basin, producing more than 36...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Morrow Sandstone, Texas County, Oklahoma, (Part 2, Conclusion)
Erin E. Van Evera
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Sandstone Stimulation Study: Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1979, p.683-689. Sonnenberg, S. A., 1984, Sorrento Field - Morrow Discovery...
Environment of Deposition and Reservoir Morphology of Lower Pennsylvanian Sandstones, South Empire Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
Rebecca B. Lambert
West Texas Geological Society
... 120 feet (37 m) in the northern part of the field. Sandstone deposition is more widespread in the Middle Morrow, with greatest accumulations...
Sedimentology of the upper Morrow Formation in Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas
Lee F. Krystinik, Beverly A. Blakeney
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... model for Morrow sandstone deposition, Sorrento field area, Denver basin, Colorado: Mtn. Geol., v. 22,.p. 180-191. Swanson, D. C., 1979, Deltaic deposits...
High Point Field
Editors: Edward D. Dolly and James C. Mullarkey
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... of Morrow sand grains and pore throats has been observed in cores from several wells in Speaker field, which lies one mile to the south of High Point...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Morrow Sandstone, Texas County, Oklahoma, (Part 1)
Erin E. Van Evera
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... lithofacies present within the incised valleys; interprets the depositional environment; and describes reservoir characteristics of the upper Morrow sandstone...
Sedimentology of the Upper Morrow Formation in Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas Morrow Sandstone (Pennsylvanian) of Southeastern Colorado and Kansas
Lee F. Krystinik, Beverly A. Blakeney De Jarnett
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... 67. p. 979-1001. Sonnenberg, S.A., 1985, Tcctonic and sedimentation model for Morrow sandstone dcposition, Sorrento field area, Denver basin...
Influence of Lithology and Diagenesis on Mechanical and Sealing Properties of the Thirteen Finger Limestone and Upper Morrow Shale, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Lexington Field--U.S.A. Anadarko Basin, Kansas
Martin Emery, Peter G. Sutterlin
AAPG Special Volumes
... to producing boreholes. The Morrow sandstone in the Lexington field exhibits a range of pore-to-throat-size ratios (3.21 to 3.37, respectively...
Diagenetic Controls on Reservoir-Scale Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage: A Case Study of the Morrow Sandstone, Farnsworth Unit, Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Factors Controlling Occurrence of Morrow Sandstones and Their Relation to Production in the Anadarko Basin
James M. Forgotson Jr.
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... An exception is the Keyes Field in northeast Cimarron County, where production from the basal "Morrow blanket" sandstone is structurally controlled...
Environments and Diagenesis, Morrow Sands, Cimarron County (Oklahoma), and Significance to Regional Exploration, Production and Well Completion Practices
Raymond E. Kasino, David K. Davies
Tulsa Geological Society
...) (Fig. 2). Figure 2. Generalized lithofacies map of the Upper Morrow Formation, Anadarko basin. (Modified from Abells, 1958; Barrett. 1965; Huffman...
The Occurrence of Uranium as Related to the Diagenesis of the Morrow Sandstone, Empire South Field, Eddy County, New Mexico
Miles E. Denham, Mary Helen Niemann, Thomas T. Tieh
West Texas Geological Society
...The Occurrence of Uranium as Related to the Diagenesis of the Morrow Sandstone, Empire South Field, Eddy County, New Mexico Miles E. Denham, Mary...
Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Morrow Formation, Southeast Colorado and Southwest Kansas
David M. Wheeler, Alan J. Scott, Vincent J. Coringrato, Paul E. Devine
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to late 1980’s, most papers continued to focus on individual field areas. Orchard and Kidwell (1984) interpreted the Morrow sandstone at Sorrento...