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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 493 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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ABSTRACT: The Impact of Post Migration Data Conditioning on Seismic Images and Attributes; #90115 (2010)

Adekanle Ayorinde, Youn Oong, and Iyiola Sunkanmi

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... are residual multiples, high frequency random noise, coherent linear dipping noise, and residual Normal Moveout (NMO) and low frequency NMO stretch...


Evaluation of Seismic Exploration in Sub-Volcanic Reservoir Area by Synthetic Seismic Modeling

Yulia Nur Fajrina, Muhammad Ghazalli

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and lithology of region. The real earth actually is very complex and several assumptions and simplification have to be done to make a geological model...


Fullband imaging

Zhengmin Zhang, Jiwei Jia, Geping Fu, Hao Zhang, David Chow, Barry Hung, Ian Anstey, Wai Leong Lai

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of ghost and the absorption effect of an anelastic earth. The ghost effect is the result of reflections from the surface of the ocean. These reflections...


Chapter 3: Preparation of Seismic Data for Stratigraphic Work

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

.... Normal Moveout or NMO Normal moveout corrects for the lateral offset that is present between the shot and receiver on each of the traces on a field...


Preparation of Seismic Data For Stratigraphic Work

Abilene Geological Society

... Moveout or NMO Normal moveout corrects for the lateral offset that is present between the shot and receiver on each of the traces on a field record. Each...


Multicomponent Seismic Studies of the Gas-hydrate System at the Storegga Slide

Stefan Bunz, Jurgen Mienert, Karin Andreassen

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the mid-Norwegian continental margin: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 209, no. 34, p. 291307.Bunz, S., J. Mienert, M. Vanneste, and K. Andreassen...


Integrated Interpretation of Seismically Derived Rock and Fracture Attributes for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization

Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Xing Liang, Uwe Strecker, Maggie Smith

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... elliptical velocity inversion indicates that anisotropy varies horizontally and vertically, and that it is dominantly controlled by stress azimuth, which...


Abstract: Seismic Detection of Cracks in Carbonates Associated with Potash Mining; #90171 (2013)

Zimin Zhang and Robert R. Stewart

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...%). For horizontally traveling waves, the P-velocity decreases by about 0.75km/s (13.5%) and the SV-velocity drops at the same amount as vertical propagation...


Abstract: AVAZ Inversion for Fracture Orientation and Intensity: a Physical Modeling Study; #90187 (2014)

Faranak Mahmoudian and Gary F. Margrave

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... (Crampin, 1981). Using P-wave NMO velocity variation with azimuth (VVAZ), fracture orientation is considered to be in the direction of the fast P-wave...


Abstract: AVAZ Inversion for Anisotropy Parameters of a Fractured Medium; #90174 (2014)

Faranak Mahmoudian, Gary F. Margrave, and Joe Wong

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... has a strong effect on all seismic wave propagation aspects; it causes shear wave splitting, azimuthally-dependent NMO velocity, and amplitude...


Abstract: Fracture Detection Via Azimuthal Analysis of Seismic Data: Snake Oil or silver Bullet?; #90187 (2014)

Mike Perz, Peter Cary, Xinxiang Li, and Satinder Chopra

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... heterogeneity in an isotropic earth. Jenner (2009; 2010) shows how lateral velocity anomalies in the overburden create phantom VVAZ responses which...


Abstract: Application of Surface-wave Modeling and Inversion in Cordova Embayment of Northeastern British Columbia; #90187 (2014)

Antoun Salama, Niranjan Banik, Mona Cowman, Kevin Roberts, Anna Glushchenko, Mark Egan, Alfonso Gonzalez, Eric von Lunen, and Jennifer Leslie-Panek

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... normal moveout (NMO) corrections, an appropriate inside mute and outside mute to each shot gather, and then inverse NMO to the gathers. A representative...


High Performance Computation by Graphics Processor Unit Technology for Geophysical Seismic Signal Processing, #40727 (2011)

Sunjay Sunjay

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... of Earth exploration is to provide the oil and gas industry with knowledge of the Earth's subsurface structure to detect where oil can be found...


Vertical Seismic Profiling--A Measurement that Transfers Geology to Geophysics: Chapter 2

B. A. Hardage

AAPG Special Volumes

... the energy source and the receivers are positioned on the earth's surface. What happens to the seismic wavelet as it propagates from the source...


Application of finite difference eikonal solver for traveltime computation in forward modeling and migration

Amir Mustaqim Majdi, Seyed Yaser Moussavi Alashloo, Nik Nur Anis Amalina Nik Mohd Hassan, Abdul Rahim Md Arshad, Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...). Further discussion of these approaches is done on the next section. Seismic forward modeling can be described as the use of geological model of earth...


Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: Convergent Margin Off East Coast of North Island, New Zealand, Parts I and II

F.J. Davey, K. Lewis, J.R. Childs, and M.A. Hampton

AAPG Special Volumes

... pre-stack partial migration, velocity analysis, NMO correction, 24-fold stacking, filtering, finite-difference migration, AGC, filtering, and scaling...


Abstract: Near Surface Anomalies and Solutions; #90211 (2015)

Todd Mojesky, David LeMeur, and Ali Karagul

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... algorithms (GLI, GMG, ...). These assume a layered model of the earth, with refractor head waves propagating along locally continuous boundaries. In more...


Azimuthal Velocity Analysis of 3-D Pre-Stack Seismic Data for Fracture-Induced Anisotropy in the Altamont-Bluebell Field

Khaled Al Dulaijan, Gary Margrave

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... A method for VVAZ inversion, based on the elliptical NMO equation for Transverse Isotropy (TI) media that was derived by Grechka and Tsvankin (1998...


Non-First-Break Solution for Shallow Velocity Anomaly Problem; #41602 (2015)

Emil Blias

Search and

... velocities and imaging. This technology includes four main steps: (i) High-density automatic non-hyperbolic NMO picking, (ii) Analytical NMO inversion...


P-Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy and Its Application in Sandstone-Conglomeratic in Yani Oil Field

Zha Chaoyang, Shen Shuirong, Hairunnisa, Xia Tianfang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is tight with low permeability and porosity. Data Two subsets of 3D seismic data were loaded: post-stack migration and pre-stack NMO CDP gathers. Pre...


Abstract: Variable-factor S-transform for Time-frequency Decomposition, Deconvolution, and Noise Attenuation; #90172 (2014)

Todor I. Todorov, Gary F. Margrave

Search and

... of the earth, the seismic signal is not stationary. Margrave (1998) presented the theory of the nonstationary linear filtering, which is a better approximation...


Beam Migration for Imaging of Complex Structures

Karl Schleicher, John Sherwood, Lynn Comeaux, Mazin Farouki

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... components into the earth. The dip components can be enhanced based on various criteria before the backpropagation, thereby giving a more coherent...


De-risking Appraisal Phase in the Recent Gas Discovery in Banggai-Sula Basin, Central Sulawesi: Application of AVO Analysis and Pre-stack Inversion in the Sub-ophiolite Reef Carbonate Play

Mufied Ahmad, Yudi Herdiana, Tika R. Pertiwi, Hendarsyah, Arie Naskawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... shows the seismic data conditioning workflow prior performing AVO analysis and pre-stack seismic inversion. The PSDM NMO’ed gathers from the latest...


Acoustic and Elastic Modeling of Seismic Time-Lapse Data from the Sleipner CO2 Storage Operation

R. J. Arts, M. Trani, R. A. Chadwick, O. Eiken, S. Dortland, L. G. H. van der Meer

AAPG Special Volumes

... in the geological storage of carbon dioxide: NATO Science, IV Earth and Environmental Sciences: Dordrecht, Springer, v. 65, p. 303314.Chadwick, R. A., D...


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