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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Well Log Analysis Concepts in Clastic and Argillaceous Sediments, United States Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Walter H. Fertl
AAPG Bulletin
...) Reliable estimates of amount, type, and distribution of clay minerals encountered in Gulf Coast sands improve log-derived determination of reservoir...
Abstract: Overpressure, Stress Gradients, and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana, by Philip H. Nelson; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Overpressure History of the Malay Basin, Offshore Peninsular Malaysia
Mazlan Madon
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... for the position of the depth to the top of overpressure in shale-dominated sequences in the Gulf Coast, U.S.A. J. Geophys. Res. 99, 27752789. 143...
Origins of overpressure in the central Xihu depression of the East China Sea shelf basin
Jun Li, Jingzhou Zhao, Zhiqiang Hou, Shuping Zhang, and Mengna Chen
AAPG Bulletin
... compression and hydrocarbon generation as the origin of overpressure, where the porosity distribution in the overpressured mudstone is consistent...
Abstract: A Physical Explanation for the Depth to Top of Overpressure in the Gulf Coast Basin, by U. T. Mello and G. D. Karner; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
The Importance of Recognizing Hydrodynamics for Understanding Reservoir Volumetrics, Field Development and Well Placement; #41314 (2014)
Sam Green, Richard E. Swarbrick, and Stephen A. O'Connor
Search and Discovery.com
... By recognizing and quantifying the regional distribution of overpressure a better understanding of hydrocarbon distribution can be built. Changes in aquifer...
New Evaluation on Hard Overpressure Play in Lower Kutai Basin
Yoseph R. Apranda, Ridha S. Riadi, Teguh Nugraha, Robhy C. Permana, Dardji Noeradi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., Overpressure and hydrocarbon accumulations in tertiary strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana: 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Association...
Distribution and Generation of the Overpressure System, Eastern Delaware Basin, Western Texas and Southern New Mexico
Ming Luo , Mark R. Baker , David V. LeMone
AAPG Bulletin
... of the I/S transition causes overpressure in the Gulf Coast because the depth of onset of I/S transition is coincident with the overpressure zone...
Overpressure in the Shelfal Area of the Lower Kutai Basin
Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Overpressure in the Shelfal Area of the Lower Kutai Basin Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty IPA14-G-357 PROCEEDINGS INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION...
Memoir 70, Chapter 3: Overpressure Models for Clastic Rocks, Their Relation to Hydrocarbon
Jean Burrus
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the Gulf Coast and Mahakam basins differ little, they are around 1-10 nanodarcies. Geological evidence and models suggest other causes of overpressure...
Abstract: Overpressure Conditions and Reservoir Compartmentalization on the Scotian Margin; #90187 (2014)
Carla Dickson and Grant Wach
Search and Discovery.com
.... The study investigated hydrocarbon distribution, resource potential, and production performance of the Sable Subbasin and included structural geometrical...
Regional Distribution of Rock Properties, Hydrocarbon-Water Contacts, and Hydrocarbon Migration Derived From Carbonate Petrophysical Analysis of the Austin Chalk Across the Onshore Gulf of Mexico Basin, U.S.A.
Search and Discovery.com
Extended abstract: Overpressure and Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Tertiary Strata, Gulf Coast of Louisiana, by Phil Nelson
Search and Discovery.com
Analytical Method to Accurately Estimate Overpressure Magnitude: The Case Study from Indonesia's Tertiary Basins
Agus M. Ramdhan, Lambok M. Hutasoit, Arifin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...). The Eaton’s method is an empirical method, based on Eaton’s work in certain part in the Gulf of Mexico. The equation to estimate overpressure by applying...
The Challenge of Pore Pressure Prediction in Indonesias Warm Neogene Basins
Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty, Lambok M. Hutasoit
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... that involve a decrease in effective stress. Only small magnitudes of overpressure can be generated by hydrocarbon buoyancy, hydraulic head and osmosis...
The Importance of Recognising Hydrodynamics for Understanding Tilted Fluid Contacts
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Overpressure, Seal Breaching and Stress Regimes in East Coast and Taranaki Basins, New Zealand, by David Darby, Rob Funnell, and Vaughan Stagpoole; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Linear Relationships between Geothermal and Geopressure Gradients in the Northern Central Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Sharon Cornelius, Peter A. Emmet
GCAGS Transactions
..., Impact of heat flux anomalies around salt diapirs and salt sheets in the Gulf Coast on hydrocarbon maturity: Models and observations: Gulf Coast...
Overpressure and mudrock compaction in the Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia: A radical reappraisal
Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty
AAPG Bulletin
...:10.1126/science.160.3828.609.Dickinson, G., 1953, Geological aspects of abnormal reservoir pressures in Gulf Coast, Louisiana: AAPG Bulletin, v. 37, p. 410432.Dutta, N. C...
Oil generation as the dominant overpressure mechanism in the Cenozoic Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, Keyu Liu, Guoqi Song, Xunjun Wang, Zhongsheng Shi
AAPG Bulletin
... significance: AAPG Bulletin, v. 57, p. 12191249.Bethke, C. M., 1986, Inverse hydrologic analysis of the distribution and origin of Gulf Coasttype...
Depositional Environment Drive as Overpressure Generation: Study Case in Gap Field, North West Java Basin
Anggit Chandra Prasetyo, Alfian Gilang, Putra Nurramdhan, Thomas Cafreza, Syaifuddin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... an analysis method on the distribution of clay mineral composition to determine depositional environment and its relationship to overpressure...
Overpressure Mechanism Type A Preliminary Prediction on Talang Akar and Gumai Formation of Betara Structure, Jambi Sub Basin
Lia Reulina Ketaren, Budi Malaysetia Amboro, M.N. Alamsyah, Andri Syafriya, Lucky Kriski Muhtar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and hydrocarbon maturity as a result of the temperature influence. 2. The pore pressure distribution map in Betara structure shows that overpressure zone...
Overpressure Identification Using the Eaton Method on the Gumai Formation of Geragai Graben, Jambi Sub Basin
Ana Okta Marnila, Yusa Fahrudi, Mawar I. Nursina, Ichy Lucya Resta, Hari Wiki Utama
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Distribution and Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation in Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, in Hydrocarbon Seals: Elsevier, No. 187– 199. Pennebaker, E. S., 1968...
Overpressured Reservoirs: A New Generation of Exploration Opportunities
Richard E. Swarbrick
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and lateral transfer beneath the centroid, the hydrocarbon sealing potential of the reservoirs is enhanced. Further, with lateral drainage, overpressure...
Geology and Diagenetic History of Overpressured Sandstone Reservoirs in the Venture Gas Field, Offshore Nova Scotia, Canada [Abstract]
Noguera, V.H., Jansa, L.F.
CSPG Bulletin
... and migration at depth are chiefly responsible for the overpressuring. Venture overpressure differs from U.S. Gulf Coast-type overpressure in that the former...