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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,384 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Determination of Geothermal Gradients in Oklahoma

John A. McCutchin

AAPG Bulletin

... rotary mud inside the casing. The average time for completing a 3,000-foot test is a day and a half. Where a temperature of 60° F. is found at 100 feet...


A Textural Study of the Outer Beach of Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Marshall Schalk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in an attempt to study by repeated samplings a small beach throughout a year's time. Before the collection of samples was finished on this project...


Abstract: Dunnage-Gander boundaries, and some aspects of terrane evolution in Newfoundland

M. A. J. Piasecki

Atlantic Geology

... steepen, prograde to migmatites and pass into syn-shearing Silurian granites; and the polarity of Silurian shear transport swings in parallelism...


Structures of Basement Rocks of Pennsylvania and Maryland and Their Effect on Overlying Structures: ABSTRACT

Ernst Cloos

AAPG Bulletin

... and the schist but a gradual southeastward increase of the intensity of metamorphism. The parallelism of structures is striking. Appalachian folds within...


Abstract: The Value of Slope Mass Rating (SMR) Adjustment Factor for CPSB Stone Quarry, Sabah, Malaysia: A Preliminary Study (P3A-2)

Ismail Abd Rahim, Sanudin Haji Tahir, Baba Musta, Rodeano Roslee

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of discontinuities and slope (parallelism between discontinuities and slope, discontinuities dip angle in failure modes, relationship between slope...


Sand Trends and Paleoslope in Mississippi Embayment and Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT

Wayne Arthur Pryor

AAPG Bulletin

...; and the depositional patterns are those of deltaic deposition in the north, becoming increasingly marine to the south. Based on the parallelism...


Environmental Indicators in Morrison Formation, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

William F. Tanner

AAPG Bulletin

... represents running water, and hence ground slope, during the time of Morrison deposition. As during the times of Chinle (Triassic) and Entrada (Jurassic...


Stratigraphy and Facies Relationships of Silurian (Wenlockian) Rochester Shale: Layer Cake Geology Reinterpreted: ABSTRACT

Carlton E. Brett

AAPG Bulletin

... of parallelism between the outcrop belt and depositional strike. As such, the Rochester provides a useful paradigm for understanding numerous similar stratigraphic...


Brooks Range and Eastern Alps: A Tectonic Comparison: ABSTRACT

J. A. Helwig

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Brooks Range (BR) and the Eastern Alps (EA) reveals a remarkable parallelism. Both of these Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts are underlain by sialic...


Coral Zonules: New Tools for Petroleum Exploration in Mission Canyon Limestone and Charles Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota: ABSTRACT

Douglas L. Waters, William J. Sando

AAPG Bulletin

... deposition. Parallelism between the zonules and marker beds used to define standard intervals employed in subsurface stratigraphic correlation...


ABSTRACT: Are Open Fractures Necessarily Aligned with Maximum Horizontal Stress?; #90007 (2002)

Stephen Laubach, Julia F. W. Gale, Jon E. Olson

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... to SHmax are numerous. Parallelism of modern-day principal stresses and open fractures is not good evidence, by itself, that modern day stress controls...


ABSTRACT: On the Development of Salt-Related Structures in the Polish Trough; #90013 (2003)

Robert J. Hooper, Lech Antonowicz, Ewa Iwanowska

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..., the graben progressively curve into parallelism with the basin margin. Important additional detachments occur at other levels within the overburden...


ABSTRACT: Understanding Channel-Overbank Deposits and Seismic Stratigraphic Features Using Newly Developed Volumetric Attributes; #90133 (2011)

Nabanita Gupta, Supratik Sarkar, and Kurt J. Marfurt

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... onlap, offlap, parallelism, and erosion unconformities. Recently-developed “reflector convergence” attributes do just this. Combined with coherence...


Abstract: Full-Waveform Inversion on Heterogeneous Massively Parallel Computers; #90255 (2017)

Alexey Gokhberg, Saulė Simutė, Andreas Fichtner

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... a spectral-element implementation of full seismic waveform inversion in the time domain for large heterogeneous HPC systems. The time step algorithm...


Petrology of the Grimsby Sandstone (Lower Silurian) of Ontario and New York

David N. Lumsden, Bernard R. Pelletier

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the greenish sandstone above the Grimsby east of Lockport but not to the west. This constitutes negative evidence for a time differential...


Stratigraphic Analysis of the Cherokee Group in Adjacent Portions of Lincoln, Logan, and Oklahoma Counties, Oklahoma

Chaim Shulman

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... These cross sections exhibit essential parallelism of the lithologic time markers, hence their trends are on the depositional strike. The Mississippian...


Depositional and Statistical Exploration Models, Upper Cretaceous Offshore Sandstone Complex, Sussex Member, House Creek Field, Wyoming

John P. Hobson, Jr. , Michael L. Fowler , Edward A. Beaumont

AAPG Bulletin

...------------------------------ age in the Powder River basin area. This parallelism suggests a long-lasting system of prevailing currents from the north-northwest. Time...


Shallow Marine Currents on the Early (?) Triassic Wyoming Shelf

M. Dane Picard, Lee R. High, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... during Early Triassic time (after McKee, and others, 1959, pl. 9). Isopachs in western Wyoming include Linwoody and Red Peak Formations. FOOTNOTE 2...


How to Make Velocity Corrections

John W. Daly

AAPG Bulletin

... for lateral variations in vertical velocity. USE OF TIME-DEPTH CURVES Well velocity data usually are submitted in the form of a time-depth curve, an average...




Montana Geological Society

... to buff dolomite represents Sloss and Laird's truncated MA unit, which is interpreted by some workers as being the approximate time...


Wrench Faulting in the Mid-Continent

Jack L. Walper

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and all of the other tensional features of this area. The close parallelism of the Gulf Coast fault zones to the sigmoidal tensional curves strongly...


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