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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,457 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reservoir Compartmentalization of the Morrow Sandstone at Sorrento Field, Southeastern Colorado, by S. M. Mark and R. M. Slatt; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Reservoir Compartmentalization of the Morrow Sandstone at Sorrento Field, Southeastern Colorado
Sandra McDonald Mark
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...), geophysical logs were used to make a detailed facies determination for the Morrow interval for all of the wells at Sorrento Field. Correlation...
Predicting Sandstone Reservoir System Quality and Example of Petrophysical Evaluation; Dan J. Hartmann, Edward A. Beaumont, and Edward Coalson; Search and Discovery Article #40005 (2000)
Search and Discovery.com
Evaluation of the Morrow Sandstone in Sorrento Field, Cheyenne County, Colorado
Dan J. Hartmann, Edward B. Coalson
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...., Denver, Colorado ABSTRACT Four cored wells in Sorrento Field supplied the data used to build a petrophysical model of the Morrow sandstone...
Sedimentology of the upper Morrow Formation in Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas
Lee F. Krystinik, Beverly A. Blakeney
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... is acceptable throughout, but Sorrento Field contains predominantly medium-grained sandstone, whereas the remainder of this trend is coarser grained, more...
Abstract: Geostatistical Simulation of Petrophysical Rock Types, by C. J. Murray; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrophysical Analysis in Reservoir Characterization Application in the Triassic Hamra Gas Field, Algeria
Eladj Said and Rafik Baouche
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Petrophysical Analysis in Reservoir Characterization Application in the Triassic Hamra Gas Field, Algeria Eladj Said and Rafik Baouche...
1999 Mid-continent Section Meeting August 29-31, 1999, Wichita, Kansas, - Abstracts, #90921 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Depositional Environment, Reservoir Properties, and Tertiary Oil Recovery Consideration of a Chesterian (Upper Mississippian) Incised-Valley Fill: Pleasant Prairie Oilfield, Haskell County, Kansas; #50515 (2011)
P. J. Senior and A. W. Walton
Search and Discovery.com
... in core have similar log response & petrophysical properties. • Annual production decline since 2004. • Simple decline curve analysis indicates...
Abstract: The Historical Development of Prudhoe Bay Petrophysical Models
Liu Shujie
Alaska Geological Society
...Abstract: The Historical Development of Prudhoe Bay Petrophysical Models Liu Shujie 2008 39 Prudhoe Bay field has a truly impressive track record...
Sedimentology of the Upper Morrow Formation in Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas Morrow Sandstone (Pennsylvanian) of Southeastern Colorado and Kansas
Lee F. Krystinik, Beverly A. Blakeney De Jarnett
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., but Sorrento Field contains predominantly medium-grained sandstone, whereas the remainder of this trend is coarser grained, more permeable and produces...
Petrophysical Properties Evaluation and Lithology Definition of the Tight Oil Formation in Western Siberia
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Study of the Lemat Formation, Puyuh Field, South Sumatra, Indonesia, by Mohamed A. M. Aly, Agus Sudarsana, Ermawan Maulana, and David G. Kersey; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Treatise of Petroleum Geology / Handbook of Petroleum Geology: Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps. Chapter 9: Predicting Reservoir System Quality and Performance
Dan J. Hartmann and Edward A. Beaumont
AAPG Special Volumes
... 9-130 Petrophysical Analysis of Sorrento Field Wells 9-131 Water Saturation Profile for Sorrento Field 9-135...
Petrophysics of the Wasatch Formation and Mesaverde Group, Natural Buttes Producing Area, Uinta Basin, Utah
Dan J. Hartmann, Logan MacMillan
Utah Geological Association
..., D.J., and Coalson, E.B., 1990, Evaluation of the Morrow Sandstone in Sorrento Field, Cheyenne County Colorado, in Morrow Sandstones of Southeast...
Abstract: Construction of a Transversal Section Through the Wells MUC-1E, CRC-7, CRC-6, and CRC-3, El Carito Field, by A. Aponte and O. Gonzalez; #90951 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Petrophysical Evaluation and Surveillance Models Used for Carbonate Tight Relatively Heavy Oil Reservoir to Improve Wells Productivity; #91204 (2023)
Mohammed AL Rahbi, Said Al Fahdi, Clive Johnson, KC See Toh
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Petrophysical Evaluation and Surveillance Models Used for Carbonate Tight Relatively Heavy Oil Reservoir to Improve Wells Productivity...
Stratigraphic and Petrophysical Analysis of the Three Forks Formation-Charlson Field, North Dakota
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait: A Case Study; #90310 (2017)
Mona A. Rashaid, Yaser M. Amjad, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Laila Hayat, Alan Sibbit
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait: A Case Study; #90310 (2017) Mona A. Rashaid, Yaser M. Amjad, Pratik...
Abstract: Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study; #90319 (2018)
Yaser M. Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik Sangani, Steven Low, Christophe Darous, Aiman Fituri, Alan Sibbit
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Establishing Petrophysical Benchmark for the Burgan Field in Kuwait. A Case Study; #90319 (2018) Yaser M. Amjad, Mona Rashaid, Pratik...
Abstract: Multi-Well Petrophysical Processing Using Symbiolog: An Example Using Both Old and New Well Logs from the Monterey Formation; San Joaquin Valley, by D. M. Olson and W. R. Berry II; #90945 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Characterization of Petrophysical Flow Units in Carbonate Reservoirs: Discussion
F. Jerry Lucia , A. J. Martin, S. T. Solomon, and D. J. Hartmann
AAPG Bulletin
... of Winland pore-throat (R35) analysis and geologic descriptions. In their Middle East carbonate field example, flow units straddle sequence boundaries...
Depositional Environment and Petrophysical Characteristics of Reservoir Sand; A Case Study of Niger Delta, Nigeria
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Property Estimation for Miocene Ngrayong Sandstone, Using Integrated Core-Log Analysis; A Case Study in Building Reservoir Geomodel Using Limited Data, Kawengan Field, Indonesia; #90108 (2010)
Vena F. Eveline, Bob W. Adibrata, and Syamsu Yudha
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Property Estimation for Miocene Ngrayong Sandstone, Using Integrated Core-Log Analysis; A Case Study in Building Reservoir...