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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,221 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Anisotropic Frequency-Dependent Spreading of Seismic Waves from VSP Data Analysis; #90174 (2014)

Amin Baharvand Ahmadi and Igor Morozov

Search and

... for detailed analysis of geometrical spreading and attenuation. Here, we use an 80-level three-component VSP dataset acquired in 1999 as part of the Weyburn...


The Method of Moments: REPLY

W. C. Krumbein

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of a technique of moment analysis which would make explicit the steps involved, as well as the geometrical significance of the measures derived. Again...


Numerical Upscaling of Discrete Fracture Networks for Transient Analysis

Vincent Artus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and aggregation-based upscaling procedure The aggregation-based upscaling approach relies on the distinction between the “geometrical grid” cells...


Abstract: Experimental imaging of a vertical vein using controlled-source seismic interferometry

Kriselle Dias, Charles Hurich

Atlantic Geology

... methods are inadequate in the imaging of steeply dipping targets, due to unfavourable geometrical relationships between the surface sources, surface...


Multiwell Transient Model for Fractured Horizontal Wells with Complex Geometries

Vincent Artus

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... geometries. The model can be applied to numerical Rate or Pressure Transient Analysis in unconventional reservoirs, without being limited to a geometrical...


Abstract: Geometrical Characterization of Fracture Systems in Rock Mass by Means of Terrestrial Laser Scanner; #90255 (2017)

David Garcia-Selles, Pablo Martinez Granado, Josep Anton Muñoz

Search and

...Abstract: Geometrical Characterization of Fracture Systems in Rock Mass by Means of Terrestrial Laser Scanner; #90255 (2017) David Garcia-Selles...


A Mechanical Field Permeameter for Making Rapid, Non-Destructive, Permeability Measurements: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER

M. A. Chandler , D. J. Goggin, L. W. Lake

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1988b, A theoretical and experimental analysis of minipermeameter response including gas slippage and high velocity flow effects. In Situ, v. 12...


Combined Interpretation of Gravity with Seismic and Well Data Using Stripping Technique

Hari Santoso, Achmad Bermawi, Eddy Murhantoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... analysis can be done subsequently down to each datum which still has good control from seismic and well data. This procedure is considered applicable...


Environment of Deposition Modeling From Rock/Log Model Approach

C. C. Segrest, D. K. Davies

West Texas Geological Society

... of unique pore geometry (rock type). This approach applies high level image analysis techniques of core material to quantitatively identify various pore...


Fault and Fracture Detection in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Utica Shale Study

Hesham Refayee, Hardeep Jaglan, Steve Adcock

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fault enhancement or detection procedure is essential for improving and accelerating the overall fault and fracture interpretation process. Faults...


Strategy for Capturing the Hydrocarbon Volume Uncertainty in Case of Few Wells

Tan Chun Hock, Lothar Schulte

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and petrophysical analysis of the data suggests channels of low sinuosity flowing mainly in the N-S direction. The 3D seismic shows a low S/N ratio...


Application of Trend Analysis to Pre-Morrow Surface, Southeastern Hugoton Embayment Area, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas

Martin W. Schramm, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

.... The electronic computer is used by the oil industry for application of trend analysis and numerous other techniques to large areas. A procedure involving...


Pebble Shape (and Size!): DISCUSSION

Douglas I. Benn, Colin K. Ballantyne

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Illenberger (1991) described the use of factor analysis to determine the "optimum" indices for describing clast shape as represented by the relative...


New Technique for Preparing Polished Thin Sections of Heavy Mineral Residue: NOTES

B. K. Chatterjee

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., C. B., 1960, A method of mounting minute particulate samples of opaque ore minerals for quantitative microscopic analysis: Econ. Geology, v. 55, p...


ABSTRACT: A Method for Synthesizing and Averaging Capillary Pressure Curves; #90013 (2003)

Wu Tao, Robert R. Berg

Search and

... pressure curves from porosity and permeability, which are easily obtained from routine core analysis, thin sections and well logs. With the method...


A New Method for Determining Sphericity

Candelario Perez-Rosales

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1969, Simultaneous determination of basic geometrical characteristics of porous media: Soc. Petroleum Engineers Jour., v. 9, p. 413-416. PEREZ...


Southwest Palawan, Philippines: A Case Study in Seismic Imaging and Interpretation of Complex Structures

Philip M. Rimando, Geronimo A. Manuel, Raymundo A. Reyes, Jr.

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... geometrical problems not adequately handled by what is considered conventional or industry-standard sequence of processing seismic data. The proper...


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