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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 152 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Abstract: Salt-Flank Delineation Using Refraction Seismic Imaging of Borehole Seismic Data; #91204 (2023)

Ali Aldawood

Search and

...Abstract: Salt-Flank Delineation Using Refraction Seismic Imaging of Borehole Seismic Data; #91204 (2023) Ali Aldawood Salt-Flank Delineation Using...


Defining a Steeply-Dipping Salt Flank in Mississippi with a New High-Certainty 3D Method

Nicholas Brooks, Pat Donais, Werner Heigl, Jakob Haldorsen, Fred Li

GCAGS Transactions

...Defining a Steeply-Dipping Salt Flank in Mississippi with a New High-Certainty 3D Method Nicholas Brooks, Pat Donais, Werner Heigl, Jakob Haldorsen...


Seismic Imaging of Steeply-Dipping Salt Ridges in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin

Karl J. Kaufmann , Richard Ianniello , Oliver Carroll

GCAGS Transactions

... deterioration in the steep dip reflections and the final migrated section images the salt flank fairly well. This can be explained by the length of line...


Extended Abstract: Revitalizing an Old Field—Main Pass 73—Gulf of Mexico Shelf

Ross Saunders, Ahmed Ammar, Chuck Henry, Tim Wilkinson, Mike Frismanis, Mike Bradshaw, Jeff Codd, David Kessler

GCAGS Transactions

...) volumes where a trial salt model is used for each iteration. Due to the absence of salt flank reflections, analysis of the noise patterns around...


Salt Delineation Using Vector Offset Output (VOO) of Full Azimuth Data

Yogesh Agnihotri, Qiaofeng Wu, Dekang Xu

GCAGS Transactions

... on such intermediate migrated images. However, we observed that the salt flank was overshadowed by several mis-migrated events (red circle). These are usually...


Extended Abstract: Sureste Basin Salt Flank Imaging Enhancement

Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Josh Thorp

GCAGS Transactions

...Extended Abstract: Sureste Basin Salt Flank Imaging Enhancement Karyna Rodriguez, Neil Hodgson, Josh Thorp 2020 281 282 Vol. 70 (2020) No. 1...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Applications of Wave Imaging Technologies to Improve Deep Gulf Prospecting

Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Cosmin Macesanu, Oscar E. Ramirez

GCAGS Transactions

... prospects against mature salt domes. The ability to directly image deep fault plane reflections certainly benefits Gulf Coast prospecting, where...


High-resolution imaging using least-squares migration in the image domain (LSMi) for a marine distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) 3D-VSP

Ali Sayed, Francesca Twynam, Ran Bachrach, Maud Cavalca, Leo Leon, Maria Shadrina, Qingsong Li, Reetam Biswas, Daniel Tebo, Sam Buist

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... well as compared to the salt flank (Figure 3). The modeled attenuation fields for each receiver were sorted into the CIP domain and interpolated...


ABSTRACT: TTI Tomography for Dual-Azimuth Data in Gulf of Mexico

Tony Huang, Sheng Xu, Juan Wang, Gentiana Ionescu

GCAGS Transactions

... the tilted symmetry of salt flank bedding causes image blurring and mispositioning of the salt flank structure. Velocity variation with azimuth is observed...



Cora Gannaway

Search and

..., Spain) will be used to determine salt-flank trap potential, as well as test and refine existing models for megaflap development adjacent to steep-sided...


Exploration at the eastern edge of the Precaspian basin: Impact of data integration on Upper Permian and Triassic prospectivity

Jean-Pierre Barde, Peter Gralla, Josef Harwijanto, Juergen Marsky

AAPG Bulletin

...-related prospects such as salt overhangs and salt flank traps. Alexander, A. C., E. Iwaniw, S. C. Otto, O. S. Turkov, H. M. Kerr, and C. Darlington, 1999...


Reconstruction of Allochthonous Salt Emplacement from 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Robert D. Walters

AAPG Bulletin

... at 2.5 and 2.6 s. These represent low-velocity gas sands that truncate against the salt flank; the flat spots are gas-water contact reflections...


ABSTRACT: Vertical Seismic Profile (VSP): Beyond Time-to-Depth; #90061 (2006)

Brian Hornby

Search and

..., imaging using multiples and “single well” salt flank imaging using interferometry. Imaging with free-surface multiples has the potential to greatly...


Hydrocarbon plumbing systems of salt minibasins offshore Angola revealed by three-dimensional seismic analysis

Katrine J. Andresen, Mads Huuse, Niels H. Schodt, Lene F. Clausen, Lars Seidler

AAPG Bulletin

...-scale salt-flank-controlled migration.The study emphasizes the use of seismically imaged fluid-flow features in hydrocarbon systems analysis...


Abstract: Jolliet Field Development, Structure, and Stratigraphy - A Deep Water Milestone, Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico, Offshore Louisiana

Douglas J. Cook

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... at the toe of a major salt flank growth fault. The fault was initiated during the Lower Pleistocene as the sediment slope was diapirically oversteepened...


Abstract: Ship Shoal 113 and South Pelto 20 Fields: Detection of Subtle Traps Utilizing 3-D Technology and Detailed Development Geologic Practices

Ronald J. Chassaniol and James H. Bailey

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

.... Subsequently, five salt flank locations were drilled in these fields (four were successful). Additional domal tests will be drilled in the upcoming...


Abstract: 100 Years of Exploration and Production at Jennings Field

Jeff Spencer

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... hydrocarbon accumulations on the salt flank of Spindletop dome in 1926. Development of the flank acreage revived field production to a peak of 8 MMBO...


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