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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: The Role of Hysteretic Two-Phase Flow Processes During Capillary Leakage; #90061 (2006)

Peter Zweigel, Arild Moen, Frode Vassenden, and Michael Erdmann

Search and

... of approximately 35% of the breakthrough column height if the seal remains water-wet during leakage. For identical hydrocarbon column heights, effective permeability...


Gas Resource Quantification — A Supply-Side Approach

B. J. Katz, W. R. Almon, C. Atallah, Martin Schoell, Yongchun Tang

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Pyrolytic Hydrocarbon Yield and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition The integration of gas generation kinetics and geothermal information...


ABSTRACT: Hydrodynamic Effects on Membrane Seal Capacity; #90061 (2006)

James Underschultz

Search and

... with the boundary between the uppermost pore of the reservoir and the lowermost pore of the seal. In a hydrocarbon exploration sense, a seal has failed only...


Abstract: Petrophysical Properties of Seals

Robert M. Sneider

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... microscope at 50X magnification. A catalogue of petrophysical properties and photomicrographs allows one to make reliable estimates of seal capacity...


Assessing Fault Seal Risk and Fault Seal Retention Capacity In Stacked Clastic Reservoirs (Geology Paper 20)

Arnout J.W. Everts

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... and intervening shales, and the chances of fault seal success as well as the likely retainable hydrocarbon column in a success outcome. Quantitative estimates...


Worldwide Geological Experience as a Systematic Basis for Prospect Appraisal

D. Sluijk, M. H. Nederlof

AAPG Special Volumes

... as described by the appraiser can be used to estimate the retention potential of the seal (i.e., the maximum differential pressure, or hydrocarbon...


The Battle Against Bayesian Amnesia, #70069 (2009)

Patrick Leach

Search and

... that simply must be obeyed. When acquiring seismic or interpreting a direct hydrocarbon indicator (DHI), many companies completely forget about...


Using mud gas components to quantify hydrocarbon liquid yields for gas zones in the Patchawarra Formation of the Western Flank, Cooper Basin

Christopher Webb, Belinda Wong, Regie Estabillo

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... quantifiable estimates of hydrocarbon liquids yield which can be used in commercial evaluation of potential gas pay zones. The normal mud log records the total...


Abstract: Slime, Sand, and Shells: Lacustrine Hydrocarbon Play Elements Within a Continental-Environment Phase Stability Framework

Kevin M. Bohacs

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... 2004 21 21 Lake basin types have characteristic associations and distributions of hydrocarbon source, reservoir and seal strata. These differences arise...


A Calibrated Prospect Appraisal System

H. J. Nijhuis, A. B. Baak

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the hydrocarbon column (which can be converted into a differential pressure exerted on the seal) on the one hand and the quantified geology of its...


The Formation and Behavior of "Vapor Lock" Pressure Seals and Associated Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Geologically Young Basins

W.M. Benzing , G.M. Shook , S.D. Leroy

GCAGS Transactions

...The Formation and Behavior of "Vapor Lock" Pressure Seals and Associated Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Geologically Young Basins W.M. Benzing , G.M....


Abstract: Validation of Fault Seal Mechanisms: An Outcrop and Subsurface Perspective

Titus Murray, William L. Power, Silvia Sosio de Rosa, Zoe Shipton, Rebecca J. Lunn

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... Gouge Ratio (SGR) algorithm, and then providing a forecast of hydrocarbon column height. Importantly, this back-fitting of SGR and seal capacity...


Abstract: Seal Analysis of Geologic Co

Search and


Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Retention

John Kaldi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is defined as the seal capacity, seal geometry and seal integrity of the caprock. Seal capacity refers to the hydrocarbon column height that the caprock...


Using multidimensional scaling to estimate the impact of shale volume, fault seal, and fluid migration methods on 3D petroleum saturation, Norwegian Viking Graben

Anatoly Aseev, Tapan Mukerji, Allegra Hosford Scheirer

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... Hence, it relies on the fault seal to form the trap or individual compartments in a faulted hydrocarbon field. The structural architecture...


FAST: A New Technique for Geomechanical Assessment of the Risk of Reactivation-related Breach of Fault Seals

Scott D. Mildren, Richard R. Hillis, Paul J. Lyon, Jeremy J. Meyer, David N. Dewhurst, Peter J. Boult

AAPG Special Volumes

... in the Zema-1 well support the interpretation that seal breach is related to fracturing. Allan, U. S., 1989, Model for hydrocarbon migration and entrapment...


Biogenic Gas Potential Offshore Guajira Peninsula, Colombia

Barry Katz, Kenneth Williams

AAPG Special Volumes

... and total pyrolytic hydrocarbon yield (S1 + S2), revealing that a significant number of samples contain above-average levels of organic carbon and had...


Abnormal Formation Pressure

John S. Bradley

AAPG Bulletin

...Abnormal Formation Pressure John S. Bradley 1975 957 973 59 6. (June) Abnormal formation pressure requires a seal; without a seal pressures would...


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