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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Importance of the Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data
R. A. Weingartner
Tulsa Geological Society
...The Importance of the Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data R. A. Weingartner 1957 96 96 Vol. 25 (1957) At a time when complicated structural...
ABSTRACT: Regional Scale Seismic Interpretation in the Gulf and Its Implication for the Understanding of the Khuff System; #90051 (2006)
Herman Munsch, Enzo Insalaco, Marc Lescanne
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Regional Scale Seismic Interpretation in the Gulf and Its Implication for the Understanding of the Khuff System; #90051 (2006) Herman...
Regional Scale Seismic Interpretation in the Gulf and Its Implication for the Understanding of the Khuff System
Search and Discovery.com
Deepwater Massive Sandstones: Fans, Channels, Slides and Intrusions on a Seismic Scale
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ABSTRACT: Seismic-Scale Outcrops of Oblique Clinoforms, Topatopa Mountains, Southern California, by Michael S. Clark, Ward Abbott; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: The Importance of Vertical Heterogeneities in Unconventional Shale Plays, by Wensaas, Lars; Gading, Marita; Loseth, Helge; Boassen, Tony; #90163 (2013)
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ABSTRACT: Seismic Anisotropy of Sedimentary Rocks: A Unique Probe of Rock Fabric; #90007 (2002)
Colin M. Sayers
Search and Discovery.com
... alignment of anisotropic minerals, grains, microcracks, fractures, bedding planes and heterogeneities on a length scale smaller than the seismic...
Abstract: Shallow Seismic Refraction Data and Wash Boring Data, a Comparison, its Usefulness and the Importance
Samsudin Hj Taib
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Shallow Seismic Refraction Data and Wash Boring Data, a Comparison, its Usefulness and the Importance Samsudin Hj Taib 215 Shallow seismic...
ABSTRACT: Seismic Scale Sediment Waves in the Pliocene of the Gulf of Mexico: Examples and Implications for Exploration, by Patrice Imbert and John Wu; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Seismic Diagenesis, A New Perspective for Seismic Interpretation, by Patrice Imbert; #90200 (2014)
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Abstract: Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Kern River Alluvial Fan Area and the Importance of the Degree of Confinement of a Multi-Aquifer System, by K. H. Turner; #90992 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: Bridging the Gap from Seismic to Sub-Seismic Reservoir Heterogeneities with Limited Well Control, by Crouch, Syrie V., David. C Brown; #90026 (2004)
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Abstract: Seismic Refraction Method and its Use in Quarry Site Investigation: Case History
Samsudin Hj Taib, Mustaffa Kamal Shuib
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... and terrain is rugged. Example from two quarry site are used to emphasise the importance of seismic refraction survey in quarry site investigation...
Abstract: The Importance of Recognizing High-Frequency Sequences in Stratigraphic Correlations: A Stratigraphic Modeling Example from the Permian Basin, by J. M. Borer and P. M. Harris; #91012 (1992).
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Reservoir Architecture and Stratigraphic Evolution of Channelized Deepwater Depositional Systems
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Changes in Structural Style Along the Frontal Papuan Fold Belt From Seismic Imaging
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Visualizing the Interpretation of Faults from 3D Seismic Data, by Malcolm Francis; #90037 (2005)
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ABSTRACT: Sequence Geometry as a Predictor of Reservoir Architecture; #90049 (2005)
C. Kerans
Search and Discovery.com
..., CHARLES, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin The role of seismic data in reservoir characterization and prediction...
ABSTRACT: The Importance of Quantitative Stratigraphic Modeling to Basin Modeling, by M. D. Matthews and M. J. Zeitlin; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: Descriptions, Properties, and Importance of Non-Reservoir Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico, by R. D. Shew; #90923 (1999)
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Full Integration of Seismic Data into Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling
P. van Riel, P. Mesdag, H. Debeye, M. Sams
AAPG Special Volumes
... to the seismic data improves, but the required vertical heterogeneity is not preserved. The inability to overcome this difference in scale issue, therefore...
Abstract: Using Outcrop Analogs to Understand Deep-Water Reservoir Performance, by Jonathan Stewart, Kirt Campion, Anthony Sprague, Mike Farrell, and Lisa Stright; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Palaeotopography Controlled by Salt Tectonics: Initial Methodology and Example for Describing Its Importance to Turbidite Systems Distribution, by G. A. Albertão, T. Mulder, and R. Eschard; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstracts: Weighing in on the Seismic Scale: The use of Seismic Fault Measurements for Constructing Discrete Fracture Networks in the Horn River Basin; #90173 (2015)
Carl A. Reine and Rory B. Dunphy
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstracts: Weighing in on the Seismic Scale: The use of Seismic Fault Measurements for Constructing Discrete Fracture Networks in the Horn River...