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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 53,325 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Late Carboniferous Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Sequences in the Central Maritimes Basin, Eastern Canada

T. A. Rehill, M. R. Gibling, M. A. Williamson

CSPG Special Publications

...Late Carboniferous Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Sequences in the Central Maritimes Basin, Eastern Canada T. A. Rehill, M. R. Gibling, M...


Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cretaceous Eagle Sandstone in the Vicinity of Billings Montana

Mark S. Hanson

Montana Geological Society

... Sequence 1 - A muddy siltstone here is time equivalent to 100' sandstone cliffs surrounding Billings Sequences 2...


ABSTRACT: Sequence stratigraphy models of rift lacustrine basin and their applications in Bohai Bay Basin, East China; #90021 (2003)


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... sequence and climatic sequence. Based on the differences of fault movement styles, tectonic sequences were divided into synsedimentary rift sequences...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy Models of Rift Lacustrine Basin and Their Applications in Bohai Bay Basin, East China

Shiqi Zhang

GCAGS Transactions

.... 53 (2003) According to the formation mechanism of rift lacustrine sequences, we divided them into two types--tectonic sequence and climactic sequence...


Facies, Paleoenvironments and Sequences of the Lower-Upper Triassic Elika Formation (Upper Absaroka A Sequence), Shahmirzad area, East Central Alborze Range, Northern Iran

Yaghoob Lasemi, Masoud Lotfpoor, Alireza Tahmasbi

CSPG Special Publications

...Facies, Paleoenvironments and Sequences of the Lower-Upper Triassic Elika Formation (Upper Absaroka A Sequence), Shahmirzad area, East Central...


ABSTRACT: Origins, Stacking Configurations, and Facies Distributions of Genetic Sequences, Eagle Sandstone, Billings, Montana

Mark S. Hanson, Laird D. Little

Montana Geological Society

..., with the exception of a slight landward shift of sequence #2. Sequences #5-7 were deposited landward of sequence #4 in a near vertically...


Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy of the Smackover Formation in Northern Louisiana

Ezat Heydari, Lawrence R. Baria

GCAGS Transactions

... or type-2 sequence boundary. The Buckner Formation is not time-equivalent to any of Smackover sequences. It is a younger unit and was deposited in a broad...


ABSTRACT: Changes in Patterns of Cyclicity in Upper Carboniferous through Lower Permian (Virgilian—Sakmarian) Depositional Sequences in the North American Midcontinent

Darwin R. Boardman II

Kansas Geological Society

... carbonate-siliciclastic sequences with a regular pattern of minor to major depositional sequences that have the thickest sequence containing well-developed...


ABSTRACT: High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Mississippian (Chesterian) Carbonate and Mixed Carbonate-clastic Reservoir Facies in the Illinois Basin: An Outcrop and Core Study

Langhorne B. Smith, J. Fred Read

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... into sequence pairs and composite sequences. Composite sequences are composed of 4 sequences and are bounded by better developed disconformities...


Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy: Geometric Analysis of a Depositional Sequence - Part 3. Well Log Sequence

Shell Oil Company

AAPG Special Volumes

... relationships between these sequences at the base of the M[1], M[2], and M[3,4] shales coincide with well log sequence boundaries for sequences 1, 2, 3, 4...


Inter- and Intra-Sequence Faunal Distribution Patterns in the Sacramento Valley Cretaceous: ABSTRACT

Gary L. Peterson

AAPG Bulletin

... and transgressive from west to east. Apparently these 5 sequences, together with their distribution and thickness relations, discrete faunas, intra-sequence faunal...


Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy: Geometric Analysis of a Depositional Sequence - Part 4. Seismic and Well Sequences

Shell Oil Company

AAPG Special Volumes

...Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy: Geometric Analysis of a Depositional Sequence - Part 4. Seismic and Well Sequences Shell Oil Company 1987 31 36 AAPG...


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