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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 282 Results. Searched 196,367 documents.

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Montana Geological Society

... in California. The radius is "the mean epicentral distance of the limit of perceptibility to persons." Since isoseismal curves are highly irregular...


Secular Variations in the Pelagic Realm

Alfred G. Fischer, Michael A. Arthur

Special Publications of SEPM

... These curves are re markably similar to each other They suggest that diversity at present is relatively low and that through time diversity in species...


Regional Facies Distribution in Temperate Continental-Glacier Deposits

Gail M. Ashley

Special Publications of SEPM

...:.:::. GLACIALLY DERIVED SEDUIENT o Time-distance diagram illustrating the temporal and spatial variation in glacier-related sedimentation. Fig.6-2...


Low-Energy Seismic Survey of Quaternary Materials, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

William W. Locke

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... exception the individual time-distance measurements fell on the line (r=0.998, n=2), suggesting that the uniformity of Bull Lake till exceeds...


Developing Suitable X-Ray Radiography Techniques for Thin Rock Slabs: NOTES

D. G. Patchen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... applicable to rock slabs are described. Slab thickness, milliamperage, exposure time, kilovoltage, focus-film distance, film type, and film...


Clays and Production Problems

Eric Eslinger, David Pevear

Special Publications of SEPM

... carbonates dissolved. Walsh et al. distance" plots (e.g. (1982) produced a series of "time- Fig. 8.15), which show the amount of different kinds...


Dual Origin of Basin and Range Faults

Gary W. Crosby

Utah Geological Association

.... Figure 2. Time-distance graphs. The lower graph is a composite for all refraction lines with the heavy lined segments representing bedrock velocities...


Sedimentary Architecture and Dynamic Stratigraphy of a Marine Ice-Contact System

Ida Lonne , W. Nemec , L.H. Blikra , T. Lauritsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... from "time-distance" curves, may in reality be misleading and should be considered with caution. The remarkably varied development of moraines...


Abstracts: Microseismic Network Design: Estimating the Number of Detected Events During Hydraulic Fracturing; #90173 (2015)

Shawn Maxwell

Search and

... a graphical representation of these three scenarios, 0 200 400 600 800 1000 including doubling the rate for the same total pump time. Distance (m) Also...


Sedimentary Structures Generated by Flow in Alluvial Channels

D. B. Simons, E. V. Rlchardson, C. F. Nordin JR.

Special Publications of SEPM

... is constant and parallel to the time average bed surface and the time average reaches recorded 0 30405060 10 n Size distribution curves...


Tides and their seminal impact on the geology, geography, history, and socio-economics of the Bay of Fundy, eastern Canada

Con Desplanque, David J. Mossman

Atlantic Geology

... (in metres) for various stations and the time (distance) to High Water in hours in relation to the transit of the Moon through 66°30’ W meridian...




Montana Geological Society

... time may be a considerable distance northwest of the center of the Mesozoic Basin. The Williston Basin is separated from the Rocky Mountain...


Understanding Dynamic Behavior of Reservoirs During Microseismic Monitoring

Maria A. Krasnova, Jamie P. Rich, Evgeny M. Chesnokov

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... coefficient >0.95) for shots that are close in time (interval between shots < 10mins) and in space (distance between blasts < 15m). Lower correlation...


Applications of Hydraulics to the Study of Marine Turbidity Currents

Henry W. Menard, John C. Ludwick

Special Publications of SEPM

... and generate a turbidity flow of low effective density. However, the model may be defective in that it takes no account of the time and distance in which...


Strain Signatures of Fjord Sediment Sliding: Micro-Scale Examples from Yakutat Bay and Glacier Bay, Alaska, U.S.A.

John F. Hiemstra, Kamil Zaniewski, Ross D. Powell, Ellen A. Cowan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in subaqueous environments. Where the sliding mass has the time and the distance to gain momentum and to generate enough energy to dilate, it may take up...


Modelling of Petroleum Formation Associated with Heat Transfer due to Hydrodynamic Processes

R. H. Bruce, M. F. Middleton, P. Holyland, D. Loewenthal, I. Bruner

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... the model geometry in schematic form. The temperature T(z,t) at time t and distance z within the shale bed overlying a thin porous fluid pathway...


Back To Basics of Sequence Stratigraphy: Early Miocene and Mid-cretaceous Examples from the New Jersey Paleoshelf

Kenneth G. Miller, Christopher J. Lombardi, James V. Browning, William J. Schmelz, Gabriel Gallegos, Gregory S. Mountain, Kimberly E. Baldwin

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... position vs. distance; Wheeler 1958) of sequence m5.4 across the foreset at Site M28. Bottom panel is interpreted seismic profile in two-way travel time...


Thin Layer Reservoir Characterization on Basal Sand, Aryani Field, Asri Basin

Zha Chaoyang, Shen Weifeng, Susandhi Ridwan, Jendra Alfredy, Widya Andine, Heri Gunawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is determined through simply measuring the time distance between a seismic reflection peak and trough. Spectral decomposition uses a far more robust method...


Application of Traveltime Tomography and Kirchhoff Migration Methods to Improve the Seismic Cross-Section Resolution on 2D Land Seismic Data

Harmita Lestari, Nur Ayu Anas, Muh. Resky Ariansyah, Sabrianto Aswad, Heri Winarto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... hyperbole curve extends for infinite time and distance. But in practice, the sum of diffraction is limited by the summation path. The spatial width...


Abstracts: The Conventional and Non-conventional Seismic Differencing; #90173 (2015)

Vanja Vracar and Robert J. Ferguson

Search and

..., Alberta, Canada Summary We present a comparison between conventional time-lapse differencing and a new non-conventional differrencing method based...


Oregon Beach-Sand Compositions Produced by the Mixing of Sediments Under a Transgressing Sea

Karen E. Clemens, Paul D. Komar

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... thousands years of the Holocene transgression, during which time the overall beach compositions might be modified by more local sources. In order to test...


The Relationship Between Sphere Size And Settling Velocity

Ronald J. Gibbs, Martin D. Matthews, David A. Link

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the method must be limited to the errors attributable entirely to very minor variations in the spheres themselves and not in the time/distance...


Late Aptian to Late Albian Sea-Level Fluctuations Constrained by Geochemical and Biological Evidence (Nahr Umr Formation, Oman)

A. Immenhauser , W. Schlager , S.J. Burns , R.W. Scott , T. Geel , J. Lehmann , S. Van Der Gaast , L.J.A. Bolder-Schrijver

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of America, Bulletin, v. 109, p. 176-194. FISCHER, A.G., 1969, Geological time-distance rates: the Bubnoff unit: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 80...


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