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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 70,304 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Minimizing Depth Uncertainties Through Effective Seismic Processing Strategies in a Complex Geological Setting - Unlocking Deeper Potentials Offshore Indonesia

M Afiq B Mokhtar, Riaz Alai, Yonghe Guo, Pongga Wardaya, Jun Wang, Rizki Krishna Pratama, Haryono Haryanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... seismic sections using intermediate velocities such as single velocity function obtained from existing wells or smoothed velocity picked in time...


Characterization of a Sediment Core from Potential Gas-hydrate-bearing Reservoirs in the Sagavanirktok, Prince Creek, and Schrader Bluff Formations of Alaska's North Slope: Part 5Acoustic Velocity Core Studies

R. F. Sigal, C. Rai, C. Sondergeld, B. Spears, W. J. Ebanks Jr., W. D. Zogg, N. Emery, G. McCardle, R. Schweizer, W. G. McLeod, J. Van Eerde

AAPG Special Volumes

... velocity data is found in Chapter 29 Datashare Table 1.Figure 1 shows the compressional and both measured shear velocities as a function of depth...


Advances in Depth Imaging Technology: Rock Physics Guided Migration of Seismic Data in 3D

Nader C. Dutta, Sherman Yang, Jianchun Dai

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... are then applied as a guide function to build the final velocity model. Using a tomographic approach and input to a chosen migration algorithm, the process can...


Velocity-depth trends in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments from the Norwegian Shelf: Reply

Vidar Storvoll, Knut Bjrlykke, Nazmul H. Mondol

AAPG Bulletin

... et al., 2005). Japsen (2006), however, argues that compaction of shales can be represented by a linear velocity-depth trend as a function...


Abstract: Estimation of Q-factor and Phase Velocity Using the Recovered Stress-strain Relaxation Spectrum; #90172 (2014)

Dali Zhang, Michael P. Lamoureux, Gary F. Margrave

Search and

...Abstract: Estimation of Q-factor and Phase Velocity Using the Recovered Stress-strain Relaxation Spectrum; #90172 (2014) Dali Zhang, Michael P...


Depth conversion and seismic inversion of the Scarborough gas field

Joseph Kremor, Manish Agarwal, Paul Spaans, Ung Sing Wong

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... in depth with the depth converted seismic using the velocity model, which was generated using the smoothed 30 Hz FWI model. The ties to the wells were...


Abstract: Case Study of the Effect of Grid-Search Objective Function in Microseismic Source Location; #90255 (2017)

Luolan Li, Yuyang Tan, Chuan He, Pan Deng

Search and

... of the receiver arrays, the accuracy of the arrival picks and the velocity model. However, the choice of the objective function in grid-search algorithm...


Seismic Applications of the Velocity Log

W. G. Rimmer

CSPG Bulletin

... the same basic idea. The velocity log is scanned and converted to a linear time scale vertically plotted against a logarithmic function...


Uncertainty quantification of anisotropic elastic constants and mud speed using borehole sonic data

Ting Lei, Kristoffer Walker, Adam Donald, Alexei Bolshakov, Lin Liang, Romain Prioul, Edgar Ignacio Velez Arteaga

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... is correctly determined. There is minor sensitivity to 𝜀, and no sensitivity to 𝛿. using a linear profile yields biased inversion...


Chapter 9: Application of the IER Strategy for Natural Gas Exploration

Ronald C. Surdam, Zun S. Jiao

Montana Geological Society

.... According to the conceptual model developed by D3R, this slow velocity band is a function of a free gas phase in the fluid system (e.g., "gas...


Time-Depth Modeling in High Pore-Pressure Environment, Offshore East Coast of India; #30463 (2016)

Nidhi Jindal, Ajoy Kumar Biswal, Kumar Hemant Singh

Search and

... tested on four models: a) the linear interval velocity model in depth, b) the linear interval velocity model in time (TWT), c) the average velocity model...


Impact of Velocity Field on AVA Analysis; #42363 (2019)

Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Satinder Chopra

Search and

... and is a function of only P-wave velocity and density. The second term B referred to as the gradient stack, has a dependence on P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity...


High-precision seismic imaging for complex deep structures in the hydrocarbon exploration using a coherent-stacking-based least-squares migration

Jidong Yang, Jianping Huang, Tengfei Lin, Zhenchun Li, and Liang Chen

AAPG Bulletin

... paths of reflection events: where is a depth function associated with the half-opening angle and azimuth and can be computed using any automatic event...


High-Resolution Model Building in a Full-Azimuth Nodal Survey in the GOM

Sandip Chattopadhyay, Gary Rodriguez, Tefera Eshete, Guy Hilburn, TGS

GEO ExPro Magazine

... incorrect depth migration results and can lead to velocity distortions during successive tomography-based model building. The problem is instead...


Full-Waveform Inversion Application on 2D Slanted Streamer Data - A Case Study

Andreas Waluyo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... migration workflow that includes designature to zero phase, random and linear noise attenuation, multiple elimination, Kirchhoff prestack depth...


Abstract: Estimation of Dispersive Parameters of Surface Wave Using the Generalized S Transform; #90187 (2014)

Roohollah Askari and Robert J. Ferguson

Search and

.... The cost function is highly non-linear and has lots of local minima, so it is impossible to solve it using some gradient methods such as Steepest...


Delineating Thin-Bed Tight Gas Sand Reservoir with Prestack Joint PP/PS Inversion, #41363 (2014)

Zhiwen Deng, Ming Qiang, Shuanghu Shi, Xiaofeng Liang, Yang Zhu, Yijun Zhou, Qingjia Tong

Search and

... analysis approach from 3C data that can image P and Sv-waves in the same PP or PS wave time scale. In fact, we carry out the velocity analysis in depth...


Accelerated augmented Lagrangian full-waveform inversion based on truncated randomized singular value decomposition

Jiahang Li, Hitoshi Mikada, Junichi Takekawa

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... such as nonconvexity and nonlinearity. The convexity of the objective function can often be enhanced by using a better initial model or a lower starting frequency...


ABSTRACT: First Arrival Tomography Using Depth-Varying Velocity Gradients; #90113 (2010)

Hui Liu and Hua-Wei Zhou

Search and

...ABSTRACT: First Arrival Tomography Using Depth-Varying Velocity Gradients; #90113 (2010) Hui Liu and Hua-Wei Zhou First Arrival Tomography Using...


ABSTRACT: Porosity-Velocity Distribution in Stratigraphic Sequences: The Marion-Yin Model; #90013 (2003)


Search and

... of transitional facies changes from clean sand to pure clayey shale in the velocity-porosity plane varies from a linear trend at low confining pressure...


Flowback Analysis of the Abadi Field

Iwan Kurniawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by calculating the terminal settling (critical) velocity of each material and investigates using OLGA software whether the gas velocity is sufficient...


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