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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 17,291 Results. Searched 196,360 documents.

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Petrology and Petrography of the Intrusive Igneous Rocks of the Levan Area, Juab County, Utah

Edward C. John

Utah Geological Association

.... Table I. Mineral Composition by Percent of the Igneous Rocks Six samples of rock were analyzed for potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and iron...


Precambrian Rocks and Structure of the Platte Canyon and Kasslet Quadrangles, Colorado

Warren L. Peterson, Glenn R. Scott

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... commonly contains ā€™ Publication authorized by the Director, U. S . Geological Survey. jā€™ about 70 percent quartz, 20 percent biotite, and 10...


Stratigraphic Position and Spatial Distribution of Oil and Gas Productive Horizons in Dnieper-Donets Depression

L. M. Kuchma

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... are granular and fracture-granular reservoirs that consist of anhydrite, limestone, and dolomite. The Paleozoic section accounts for 98.7 percent...


Accelerate Well Correlation with Deep Learning; #42429 (2019)

Bo Zhang, Yuming Liu, Xinmao Zhou, Zhaohui Xu

Search and

.... We chose 463 wells out of human-correlated 1,786 wells to construct our CNN. Training, Testing, Validation and Accuracy We randomly select 65 percent...


Characteristics of Oils and Condensates of Sub-Salt Sediments of North Caspian Oil-Gas Province

O. L. Nechayeva, E. M. Grayzer

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

..., and others. The oil of Krasnokut area is heavy (0.894), tarry (18.8 percent), and carries 1.23 percent sulfur. Similar oil can be expected...


Abstract: Organic Matter in Bottom Sediments, Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida

James G. Palacas

GCAGS Transactions

... in the nearshore sandy sediments. The finer grained sediment or muds are characterized by average contents of 3.5 percent organic carbon, 0.32 percent total...


ABSTRACT: Mechanism of Hydrogen Gas Generation in Coalbed Methane Desorption Canisters Ā„ Causes and Remedies

Basim Faraj, Anna Hatch, Derek Krivak, Paul Smolarchuk

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

..., Cochrane, Alberta T4C1N7 Canada Hydrogen gas (H2) was detected in desorption canisters in various proportions (between ~0.1 percent and 82 percent...


Dynamics of Change in Level of Barents Sea in Mesozoic and Cenozoic

A. G. Korvatskiy

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Total area of marine sedimentation in the Barents region was 1,108,350 sq km. More than 50 percent of this area (591,000 sq km) was a shallow-water...


Organic Matter in Bottom Sediments, Choctawhatchee Bay, Florida: ABSTRACT

James G. Palacas

AAPG Bulletin

... in the nearshore sandy sediments. The finer grained sediment or muds are characterized by average contents of 3.5 percent organic End_Page 2167...


Vanadium and Associated Elements in the Phosphoria Formation in the Afton Area, Western Wyoming

J. D. Love

Utah Geological Association

... bed 0.5 to 1 foot thick is richest, averaging 1.6 percent V2O5 (maximum 2.5 percent); (b) beds above and below the richest one are successively lower...


Analysis of the Energy Crunch

Philip H. Stark

GCAGS Transactions

... in 1973. Domestic drilling activity declined by more than 50 percent from 1956 to 1971. Corresponding average annual reserve additions declined by more...


Analysis of Energy Crunch: ABSTRACT

P. H. Stark

AAPG Bulletin

... imports in 1973. Domestic drilling activity declined by more than 50 percent from 1956 to 1971. Corresponding average annual reserve additions declined...


Dolomite Nonstoichiometry; Its Relation to Carbonate-Rock Fabric: ABSTRACT

John S. Chimahusky, David N. Lumsden

AAPG Bulletin

... (shelf edge, subtidal shelf interior, shore zone, and deep marine). The percent calcium carbonate in the dolomite lattice ranged from 48.67 to 57.93...


A Numerical Method for Sandstone Classification

Sam Boggs, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... defined as a sandstone containing 10-20 percent matrix and 80-90 percent sand-size grains; the sand-size grains consist of 60-69 percent siliceous...


A Rapid Method for the Determination of Organic and Carbonate Carbon in Geological Samples: RESEARCH-METHOD PAPER

Michael D. Krom , Robert A. Berner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the LECO furnace on the recovery of organic carbon. Two samples of Paleozoic black shale were used which had been previously treated with 5 percent...


Resource Base for Oil and Gas Production of East Siberia and Far East

V. F. Mazanov, M. N. Popova, A. M. Khitrov, G. T. Yudin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... offshore shelves are assessed at 60-65 billion tons oil equivalent (420-455 BBOE), 75 percent of which is gas. Oil is assessed at 13 billion tons (91...


Petrology of the Blairmore Sandstones

R. Perry Glaister

CSPG Bulletin

... percent rounded to angular quartz grains, some of which exhibit secondary overgrowths (left centre), 26 percent chert grains (mottled), 10 percent rock...


Kin Diilidii (Oil), T. 42 S., R. 26 E., SLPM, San Juan County, Utah

Steve M. Nicolais

Four Corners Geological Society

...: The lower Ismay was treated with 1,000 gallons, 28 percent HCl; hole was plugged back to upper Ismay which was treated with 1,500 gallons, 28 percent...


Porosity Distribution in the Stuart City Trend, Lower Cretaceous, South Texas

D. G. Bebout , R. A. Schatzinger , R. G. Loucks

AAPG Special Volumes

... of energy levels along this shelf-margin complex. Only four of these facies, however, have greater than 5 percent porosity and 5 millidarcys permeability...


Abstract: Porosity Distribution in the Stuart City Trend, Lower Cretaceous, South Texas

D.G. Bebout, R.A. Schatzinger, R.G. Loucks

GCAGS Transactions

... this shelf-margin complex. Only 4 of these facies, however, have greater than 5 percent porosity and 5 millidarcys permeability -- the algae...


Morphology and Geology of the Hystrichosphaerida

L. R. Wilson, W. S. Hoffmeister

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Approximately 1000 sandstone, shale and limestone samples have been investigated for hystrichosphaerids and of these nearly 50 percent contained fossils...


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