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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 25,882 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Abstract: Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions; #90319 (2018)

Ryan Adhi Putra, Abdullatif Al-Shuhail

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...Abstract: Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions; #90319 (2018) Ryan Adhi...


Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions; #42328 (2018)

Ryan Adhi Putra, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail

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...Seismic Array Response in the Presence of Intra-Array Variations in Element Weights, Elevations, and Positions; #42328 (2018) Ryan Adhi Putra...


Synthetic Array Curves from Dual Induction Logs, #40889 (2012)

Guoyu Hu, Ingo Geldmacher

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... “synthetic” array logging response. This is achieved through a non-linear processing approach. Here, rigorous non-linear 2D modeling is used...


erformance of Seismic Arrays in the Presence of Weathering Layer Variations, #41841 (2016).

Jubran Akram, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail

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... as compared to the entire array length. Introduction A receiver array response is defined as the sum of outputs of the individual receivers comprising...


A Comparative Study of Conventional Arrays of Resistivity Prospecting with Differential Arrays

K. K. Sharma, S. Jayashree

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... ~ en 1000 Figure 5. Response over a two layered earth having P/P1 as 9 and 1/9 using (a) Horizontal Differential array, (b) Perpendicular Dipole array...


Abstract: Interferometric Assessment of Clamping Quality of Borehole Geophones; #90224 (2015)

Yoones Vaezi and Mirko van der Baan

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... records at every station pairs in the array would result in the corresponding inter-receiver Green’s function or impulse response, dominated commonly...


Basics of Resistivity Tools - Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation Evaluation - Archie Series No. 2

Hezhu Yin

AAPG Special Volumes

...’s equation To compute a laterolog response numerically for a given electrode array and distribution of resistivities involves the solution...


Mapping Thin Sand Reservoirs in Eastern India

U. K. Guru, M. Krishnamurty, V. C. Ramalah, E. W. Wiltse, Robin Westerman

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... is obtained by recording with an array of geophones downhole. The VSP links the surface seismic target with borehole logs, dipmeter and production test...


Submarine Strain-Gage Instrumentation for Monitoring Diurnal Beach Sediment Migration

Gerald L. Shideler , Dennis G. McGrath

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Field test results of a 5-gage array, illustrating diurnal sand-height variations and corresponding gage response pressure curves. The pressure scale...


Characterization of near-surface fractures for hydrogeological studies using azimuthal resistivity survey: A case history from the Mamu Formation, Enugu (Nigeria)

Ahamefula U. Utom, Benard I. Odoh, Daniel K. Amogu, Amobi C. Ekwe, Boniface C. E. Egboka

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... in comparison with linear or collinear arrays (e.g., Schlumberger, offset Wenner, and Wenner).In this investigation, the square array test was selected...


Interpreted Linear Features from Landsat Thematic Mapper Images, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado

Daniel H. Knepper Jr.

Utah Geological Association

...Interpreted Linear Features from Landsat Thematic Mapper Images, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado Daniel H. Knepper Jr. 1996 229 240 Linear...


Abstract: Performance of Seismic Arrays in the Presence of Weathering Layer Variations; #90254 (2016)

Jubran Akram, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail

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... Solutions King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Abstract Near-surface layer variations can degrade the desired response of seismic arrays...


Abstract: Pre-survey Planning for Microseismic Monitoring Projects; #90174 (2014)

Brad Artman, Ben Witten, and Brad Birkelo

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... are most often small doublecouple faults with isotropic and compensated linear vector dipole components (Baig and Urbanic, 2010). Figure 1 shows...


Vibroseis System: a High-Frequency Tool: ABSTRACT

William L. Chapman, G. L. Brown, D. W. Fair

AAPG Bulletin

... application is essential to assure retention of high-frequency data. Recording offsets, array lengths, and array sampling must be selected...


Slim, High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool: First Field Experiences

Jean-Marc Donadille, Igor Ilyin, Martin G. Lüling, Tony Meszaros, Richard Reischman, Alexey Repnev, Vladimir Yukhlin, Nasar Khan, Mark Jones

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., and 𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇𝑇(𝑟𝑟ℎ , 𝑅𝑅 𝑚𝑚 , 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒, 𝑅𝑅 𝑡𝑡 ) is the calculated response of array i for the specified value of the parameters...


Chapter 12: Microseismic Monitoring in Early Haynesville Development

Peter M. Duncan, William B. Barker, Leo Eisner, Peter G. Smith, Kevin Smith, Sherilyn Williams-Stroud

AAPG Special Volumes

... of 12 vertical component geophones placed in a linear array along the line. Group length and group interval were both 55 ft (17 m). A vertical well...


Frequency and current analysis of non-linear electrical effects in mineralised rocks

Alan Oertel, Robert White, Steve Collins, Keith Leslie, Ben Spyridis

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... methods such as drilling. There is some evidence that shales produce a strictly linear electrical response, with respect to current density...


Abstract: Microseismic Characterisation of Discrete Fracture Networks in North American Shale Plays; #90228 (2015)

Mike Preiksaitis

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... Characterisation of Discrete Fracture Networks in North American Shale Plays Mike Preiksaitis ESG Canada Inc. Abstract The response of different North American...


Design of the Acoustic Zoom Method for Non-Specular Backscatter Imaging of the Eagle Ford Formation, #41495 (2014).

J. Guigne, S. Azad, C. Clements, A. Gogacz, W. Hunt, A. Pant, J. Stacey

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... the centre of the receiver array. The spatial response of the AZ array is illustrated in Figure 5. The main lobe beam width is 0.5 degrees. Side lobes are up...


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