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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,956 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Abstract: Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of Borehole Microseismic Reveals Weak Azimuthal Anisotropy Hidden Behind Strong VTI Fabric of the Lower Paleozoic Shales in Northern Poland; #90310 (2017)

Wojciech Gajek, James V. Verdon, Michal Malinowski, Jacek Trojanowski

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... shale plays in northern Poland are characterized by a strong (15-18%) Vertical Transverse Isotropy (VTI) fabric which dominates weak azimuthal anisotropy...


Rock Physics of Fractured Carbonates

Lev Vernik, Alan Mur

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... in an isotropic background, the model implies horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI), whereas two suborthogonal vertical fracture sets introduce even...


Seismic Anisotropy Modeling from Well Log in Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatra, Indonesia; #41360 (2014)

Thariq Guntoro, Intan Andriani Putri1, and Dwa Desa Warnana

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... characteristics. Then, anisotropic AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) equation is used to extract synthetics seismogram from isotropy and anisotropy model...


Abstract: Velocity Model Calibration Effects on Microseismic Locations; #90187 (2014)

J. Akram and D. W. Eaton

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.... In this paper, we use finite-difference synthetic seismograms to assess the importance of seismic anisotropy (weak transverse isotropy, up to 20...


Petrophysical Characterization of 3D Printed Rock and Its Substitution in the Validation Experiment, #42303 (2018).

Lingyun Kong, Mehdi Ostadhassan, Chunxiao Li, Lei Gong,

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... prism to validate the seismic anisotropy of VTI (vertical transverse isotropy), which is cause by printing layers. The results of Vp and Vs resemble...


Effects of Overburden Anisotropy and Vertically Aligned Fractures on P-Wave Azimuthal AVO Responses

Fatkhan, Yudi Yanto, Nofri Faruza Said

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...) is pervaded by a system of vertical aligned fractures it will display transverse isotropy with a horizontal axis of symmetry (HTI), or so-called...


Seismic Anisotropy Modelling and Fluid Substitution for Carbon Dioxide (Co2) Well Storage Project In Carbonate Reservoir

Pebrian Tunggal Prakosa, Thariq Guntoro, Ahmat Dafit Hasim, Okok Wijaya, Yulia Putri Wulandari

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... laboratories already know the physical characteristics of minerals and rocks, using the matrix stiffness in the Vertical Transverse Isotropy (VTI) media...


Improved Structural Imaging of the Karama Seismic Survey Using Anisotropy Kirchhoff and Beam Depth Migration

Zbigniew Ostapiuk, Bee Jik Lim, Martin Bayly

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by the complex wave-propagation in such geological media. For these reasons, tilted transverse isotropy (TTI) anisotropic model building and depth...


Uncovering Seismic HTI Anisotropy of the Cooper Basin

Stephanie Tyiasning, Dennis Cooke

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Adelaide [email protected] SUMMARY 3D seismic data from the Cooper Basin exhibit horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI) anisotropy...


Abstract: Imaging Scattered Seismic Energy in Alberta Oil Sands; #90187 (2014)

Andrew V. Barrett

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... not significantly alter the imaging in our case. Only vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) was used, with an effective η incorporating both the effects...


Getting it Right the First Time in the Ceduna Sub-Basin: Regional and Target Depth Imaging in a Frontier Setting

Weidi Koh

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... and Ceduna motion contrast 3D scanning (MC3D) surveys. TTI, tilted transverse isotropy. Frontier depth imaging in the Ceduna Sub-basin control (QC...


Anisotropic 3D Amplitude Variation with Azimuth (AVAZ) Methods to Detect Fracture-Prone Zones in Tight Gas Resource Plays, #41531 (2015).

Bill Goodway, John Varsek, Christian Abaco

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... Ambiguities AVAZ interpretation for fracture attributes can be established by models using theory based on HTI anisotropy (horizontal transverse isotropy...


NMO Inversion for Multilayer Subsurface with Horizontal Transverse Isotropic layers

E. Blias

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...., Grechka, V. and Tsvankin, I., Moveout inversion of P-wave data for horizontal transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 64, 1219-1229. Grechka, V. and Tsvankin...


NMO Inversion for Multilayer Subsurface with Horizontal Transverse Isotropic layers

E. Blias

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...., Grechka, V. and Tsvankin, I., Moveout inversion of P-wave data for horizontal transverse isotropy: Geophysics, 64, 1219-1229. Grechka, V. and Tsvankin...


Integration of Multicomponet Surface Seismic, Multicomponent VSP and Microseismic in Reservoir characterization

Paul Constance, Jim Simmons, Shihong Chi, Lisa Sanford

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... cause vertical transverse isotropy (VTI), whereas horizontal variations such as caused by fractures give horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI). We remove...


Multi-Azimuthal Walkway VSP for Full Azimuth Seismic Calibration

Konstantin Galybin, Anastasia Poole, Michael Giles

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... this survey were the presence of interbed multiples across the zone of interest and poorly understood seismic anisotropy in both Horizontal Transverse Isotropy...


Crack Density Identification From Shear Wave Splitting Parameter Using Model Single Set Aligne Fracture: a Case Study Carbonate Reservoir

Thariq Guntoro, Intan Andriani Putri, Pebrian Tunggal Prakosa, Yulia Putri Wulandari

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and Vs_slow were estimated from the stiffness tensor matrix for a Horizontal Transverse Isotropy (HTI) medium using a model of a single set of aligned...


Extended Abstract: Integrating Geological, Petrophysical, and Seismic Rock Property Data to Identify Prospective Areas and High-grade Locations

Cesar Marin

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... Transverse Isotropy (HTI). During phase two, geological and petrophysical analyses were carried out on well data to identify reservoir properties...


Extended Abstract: Advances and Challenges in Seismic Data Processing and Imaging for Geologically Complex Areas

Ruben D. Martinez

GCAGS Transactions

... accurate velocity models for migration but also be able to account for velocity anisotropy, in this case, TTI (tilted transverse isotropy). The estimation...


Geomechanical and Geophysical Analysis of a Wattenberg Field through Wavefield Re-Datuming and Inversion

Jyoti Behura, Pete Smith, Oscar Quezada

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... such as monoclinic). Vertical transverse isotropy (VTI) and horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI) are too simplistic models to describe these fractured...


Extended Abstract: Using Crosswell Measurements to Enhance Velocity Model Calibration for Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring

Leah J. Hogarth, Conrad Kolb, Joël Le Calvez

GCAGS Transactions

... used in microseismic monitoring. Predominantly, calibration accounts for vertical transverse isotropy (VTI), but can also account for horizontal...


On the Interpretation of Subglacial Till Fabric

Stephen R. Hicock , James R. Goff , Olav B. Lian , Edward C. Little

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... In this paper we offer a two-axis diagram that compares fabric modality to fabric isotropy (S3/S1) and addresses the problem of eigenvectors falling between...


ABSTRACT: Eagle Ford Shale Prospecting with 3D Seismic Data within a Tectonic and Depositional System Framework; #90122 (2011)

Galen Treadgold, Bill McLain, Steven Sinclair, and David Nicklin

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... Isotropy) and azimuthal anisotropy (HTI – Horizontal Transverse Isotropy) may help infer clay content and fracture presence. Rock property changes...


Abstract: Applicability of TTI RTM to Structured Land Datasets; #90172 (2014)

Charles Ursenbach, Yan Yan

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...-addressed by the most sophisticated land imaging in common use, namely TTI (tilted transverse isotropy) Kirchhoff prestack depth migration...


Abstract: Azimuthal Processing For Unconventional Resource Plays Using An Orthorhombic Velocity Model; #90174 (2014)

Shaowu Wang and David Wilkinson

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... Orthorhombic media is the natural extension of VTI (Vertical Transverse Isotropy) and HTI (Horizontal Transverse Isotropy) media. The moveout of P-waves...


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