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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)


Journal of Sedimentary Research
Vol. 77 (2007), No. 3. (March), Pages 213-224
Research Articles: Fluvial Sedimentation

Control of Upstream Variables on Incised-Valley Dimension

Christopher R. Mattheus, Antonio B. Rodriguez, D. Lawrence Greene Jr., Alexander R. Simms, John B. Anderson


It is well documented that sea level fell during the Last Glacial Maximum, shifting graded-stream profiles out of equilibrium and causing rivers to incise into continental shelves. Although incised valleys have been heavily researched, the interplay between upstream and downstream controls on incised-valley dimension are not well constrained. To address this lack of understanding, we examined the cross-sectional dimension of nine incised valleys located across the northern Gulf of Mexico margin and bounded by the sequence boundary associated with the last sea-level lowstand. These incised valleys are distinguished by drainage basins that vary in size by three orders of magnitude, cover a margin that presently has a steep climate gradient, and extend across a continental shelf that varies along strike in width and gradient.

Incision depths vary for valleys that have similar gradient profiles but different drainage-basin areas, suggesting significant control of upstream variables on incised-valley morphology. Additionally, these data show a strong linear correlation between drainage-basin area and incised-valley cross-sectional area. This suggests applicability of the empirically derived relationship between modern discharge and cross-sectional channel area to incised valleys when compared at the maximum highstand shoreline of the previous sequence. Incised-valley dimension adjusts over a longer period than the lowstand and is in equilibrium with drainage-basin area, which is considered a proxy for long-term discharge. Although base-level fall promotes incision, upstream variables control incised-valley dimensions.

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