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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A113 (1988)

First Page: 57

Last Page: 67

Book Title: M 45: The Pannonian Previous HitBasinNext Hit: A Study in Previous HitBasinNext Hit Evolution

Article/Chapter: Neogene Sedimentation in Previous HitHungaryNext Hit: Chapter 5

Subject Group: Geologic History and Areal Geology

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1988

Author(s): I. Berczi (1), G. Hamor (2), A. Jambor (2), K. Szentgyorgyi (1)


The last major cycle of sedimentation in the Pannonian Previous HitbasinNext Hit began in early Miocene time and has continued to the present. Stratigraphically, the Miocene section is most complete in northern and southern Previous HitHungaryNext Hit where the section is mainly continuous. In the deep Previous HitbasinNext Hit areas, sedimentation began with deposition of variegated terrigenous deposits (up to about 30 m thick) overlain by clastic and calcareous marine sedimentary rocks. In early Badenian time and later, creation of topographic relief led to the development of small emergent islands, where no deposition occurred, surrounded by areas receiving clastic sediments. These islands were gradually covered by transgressive sedimentary sequences, with sediments being deposited on the last island in early Pannonian time. In the deep basins, sedimentation was mainly continuous from Badenian to Quaternary time. In places a gap is present in the sedimentary record because of extensive redeposition by turbidity currents in Sarmatian time. In the deep Neogene basins, five major depositional environments can be distinguished through time.

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