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Elsley, G. R., and H. Tieman, 2010, A comparison of Previous HitprestackNext Hit Previous HitdepthNext Hit and Previous HitprestackNext Hit time imaging of the Paktoa complex, Canadian Beaufort MacKenzie Basin, in L. Wood, ed., Shale tectonics: AAPG Memoir 93, p. 7990.


Copyright copy2010 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

A Comparison of Previous HitPrestackNext Hit Previous HitDepthNext Hit and Previous HitPrestackNext Hit Time Imaging of the Paktoa Complex, Canadian Beaufort MacKenzie Basin

G. R. Elsley,1 H. Tieman2

1Devon Canada Corporation, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
2Applied Geophysical Services, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


We would like to thank Peter Graham of Niko Resources (formerly of Devon Canada) for his geological contributions to this paper, and we would also like to thank Paul Feldman of Applied Geophysical Services for his work on the Previous HitdepthNext Hit imaging of the seismic volume.


The Canadian Beaufort MacKenzie Basin (BMB) contains many examples on two-dimensional seismic sections of what appear to be shale diapirs or shale-cored anticlines. Devon Canada acquired three-dimensional (Previous Hit3-DNext Hit) seismic data across one such feature called Paktoa and, in the winter of 2006, drilled an exploration well flanking the possible shale diapir. Although the well successfully tested oil from the Eocene Taglu unit, no clear evidence existed that the structure was a shale diapir instead of a shale-cored or fractured anticline.

Tests of a Kirchoff Previous HitprestackNext Hit Previous HitdepthNext Hit Previous HitmigrationNext Hit (PSDM) algorithm prior to drilling had resulted in no significant improvement. Following the drilling of the Paktoa C-60 well, Applied Geophysical Services used their proprietary beam algorithm to image very steeply dipping reflectors in the core of the Paktoa structure. Interpretation of this new seismic volume shows that Paktoa is an inversion anticline, likely formed by the reactivation of an earlier extensional fault system, and not a shale diapir.

The beam PSDM took just three weeks to apply to 400 km2 (154 mi2) of marine Previous Hit3-DTop seismic data, and the vastly improved imaging has not only changed the interpretation of the Paktoa structure but also implies that many similar features in the Canadian BMB may also be steeply dipping anticlines instead of shale diapirs or shale-cored anticlines.

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