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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology and Economic Deposits of East Central Utah, Seventh Annual Field Conference, 1956
Pages 125-139

Early Tertiary Ostracode Zones of Uinta Basin

F. M. Swain


Six ostracode zones are recognized in the early Tertiary of the Uinta Basin, Utah-Colorado, as follows: 1. Cyprois, n, sp. zone, upper Colton and Colton-Green River transition beds; 2. Cypridca bisulcata zone, lower Green River and Colton-Green River transition beds; 3. Cypris pagei zone, lower Green River; 4. Cyprois marginata zone, middle Green River; 5. Lower Heterocypris zone, middle Green River; 6. Barren zone, middle and upper Green River; and 7. Upper Heterocypris zone, upper Green River and lower Uinta.

The zones are described and brief descriptions of the ostracode species are given.

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