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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Paleoecology and Oil Exploration *
Chief, Geologic Research Section, Humble Oil & Refining Company
*Presented before the Houston Geological Society, January 8, 1962.
Oil exploration is benefiting from increased application of paleoecology, the
study of relationships between ancient organisms and their environments. Information
gained from detailed paleontologic
and lithologic analyses leads geologists
to a better understanding of depositional environments and is thereby of
direct use in the search for stratigraphic traps, in the solution of complicated
correlation problems, and in the unraveling of local and regional history. Interpretations of paleoenvironments are based upon a comparison of fossil fauna
and flora with biota typifying present-day environments, or with similar fossil
forms having a recognized environmental significance, and upon the nature and
distribution of deposits and their characterizing textures and structures. Extensive
investigations of facies laid down in modern environments have revealed
biologic and sedimentologic
concerning lateral and vertical changes within
sedimentary units which afford a means for better predicting trends, for interpreting
stages in the filling of subsiding sedimentary basins, and for recognizing
factors controlling oil accumulation.
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