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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Sedimentary Facies of the Toronto Limestone, Lower Limestone Member of the Oread Megacyclothem (Virgilian) of Kansas
Rice University Ph.D. thesis, 213 p., 25 pls., May, 1965
The Toronto Limestone is the lower limestone member of the Oread Megacyclothem.
It averages about 10 feet in thickness and is exposed from northern
Oklahoma, where it undergoes facies change to shale, across Kansas to northwestern
Missouri and is present at the surface in the Platte River Valley of
Nebraska. The purpose of the study was to determine the sedimentary facies and to
interpret environments of deposition by a quantitative approach with special
emphasis on the constituent composition of the limestone. Field stratigraphic studies were undertaken at 54 localities and detailed laboratory studies were performed on samples collected from them. The
volumetric abundances of 19 skeletal and 4 non-skeletal grain types were determined
quantitatively by point-count analyses. Factor analysis of the accumulated data, supplemented with observations on the
mega fauna and field study, were used in delineating 6 facies. From southern Kansas to northwestern Missouri,
the lower half of the Toronto is a skeletal mud facies -- characterized by the presence of diverse skeletal grain types. This facies grades northward (in
Nebraska) and southward (in southern Kansas) into a brachiopod facies-- typified by an abundance of brachiopods, many of them complete specimens. In
southern Kansas, the Toronto Limestone interfingers with and is replaced by a fossiliferous terrigenous mud (shale) facies-- characterized by
myalinid-rich, brachiopod-rich, and fusulinid-rich zones. In northern and central Kansas, a
facies characterized by the presence of fenestrate bryozoans and crinoid segments,
the fenestrate bryozoan-echinoderm grain facies, is developed near the top of the limestone. A lime mud facies, characterized by the presence of a
molluscan fauna and containing intraclasts, is developed at the top of the Toronto
Limestone in Nebraska, northwestern Missouri, and in northern Kansas. In southern Kansas, a molluscan-"Cryptozoon" subfacies of the skeletal mud facies
is developed in the upper part of the limestone. An Osagia grain facies, an accumulation of algal-coated skeletal grains, is locally developed at the top of
the Toronto in south central Kansas. The Toronto Limestone was deposited during a single advance and retreat of the sea with deltaic deposition taking place along shore in northern Oklahoma and
possibly in Nebraska while lime was being deposited offshore in Kansas. The factors of primary importance in facies differentiation are interpreted to have
been (1) rate of terrigenous sediment influx, (2) nutrient element supply; (3) salinity; and (4) turbulence. From the deltaic fringe area to the farthest
offshore and most marine conditions the respective facies tracts were (1) fossiliferous
terrigenous mud, (2) brachiopod facies, (3) skeletal mud facies, and (4) echinoderm-fenestrate bryozoan grain facies. The lime mud facies was a
product of mud flat deposition mainly during the regressive phase. At several places along the outcrop between northern Oklahoma and northwestern
Missouri, the Toronto Limestone was channeled by streams prior to deposition of the Leavenworth Limestone which is continuous across the region.
The Leavenworth and the overlying black Heebner Shale show greater continuity of facies than the
Toronto Limestone. The lower part of the Oread Megacyclothem (Wathena Shale,
Toronto Limestone, Snyderville Shale, Leavenworth Limestone, Heebner Shale, and Plattsmouth Limestone) are explained by two eustatic sealevel
cycles. The Wathena and Toronto were deposited during an intermediate rise of sea-level, the Snyderville accumulated during the regression, and the
Leavenworth, Heebner and Plattsmouth were products of a greater rise of
sealevel. End_Pages 20 and 21--------