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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Thermal Recovery Activity in South Texas
(Mr. Suderman will be the speaker at the April meeting)
Much has been written in recent years about thermal recovery. A potential reserve in the order of 50 billion barrels of oil may ultimately be realized with development of thermal recovery processes. In South Texas over 250 fields have recovered heavy oil from depths less than 2500 feet. Since 1959 sixteen thermal projects have been field-tested, primarily in the Jackson-Yegua strandline trend and the Upper Cretaceous of the Rio Grande Embayment. Six additional projects are in the planning stage. Only one project has reached the field-development stage; three other pilot projects are undergoing extensive testing. Rapid technical advances coupled with numerous known "heavy oil" accumulations suggest an active future for thermal recovery in South Texas.
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