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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 8, No. 8, April 1966. Pages 16-17.

Abstract: Petrologic Study of Sediments from Selected Central Texas Caves


Ruben Previous HitMiltonTop Frank

University of Texas, Master of Arts thesis, 117 p., 1965

The petrologic study of cave sediments is a new field whose history dates back only about 30 years. Most previous work has been done in Europe, with very little in North America. This is the first petrologic study of sediments of Texas caves.

Sediments from the 11 Central Texas caves investigated provide information on the diagenetic sequence of authigenic calcite and collophane, and add to the knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of red clays and dolomite silts. The sediments from Fyllan Cave in Travis County place a maximum date of mid-Pleistocene on the existing Colorado River terraces. X-ray analysis of clays in sediments from three caves indicates a decline in kaolinite content, confirming a drying tendency for the last 8000 years.

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