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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Basalts of Allen Ranch Area, Uvalde County, Texas
University of Texas, M. A. thesis, 142 p., 16 maps and diags.,
29 photos, June, 1965
The alkaline igneous intrusions west of the Nueces River in Uvalde County
are part of an igneous province that roughly parallels the Balcones Fault zone
in central Texas. On the Allen Ranch olivine basalts nepheline-olivine basalts
nephelinite, and melilite nephelinite cut limestone of the Austin and Anacacho
Large bodies of nephelinite and melilite nephelinite form the corners of a
rectangular area, with olivine basalt occupying the low central area. The
olivine basalt mass is an older "sill-like" intrusion that has been cut by the
more mafic rocks.
Most of the rocks contain either plagioclase or nepheline as the mineral
phase in the spaces between titaniferous augite crystals; but the rocks in the
cluster of intrusions at Waymiller Butte exhibit both nepheline and plagioclase
surrounding more euhedral augite crystals. Plagioclase and melilite are never
found in the same rock.
Measurements of index of refraction and specific gravity of 56 artificial
fusions indicate that there is a general relationship between the mineralogy of
the rocks and the physical properties of the artificial glasses. Plots of index of
refraction vs. specific gravity for fused rocks from the thesis area and some
related phonolite samples from the same igneous province show three clusters
of points lying along a straight line. Glasses made from a group of basalts
from Union County, New Mexico, also plot in an elongate cluster on this line.
The theory of the origin of alkaline igneous rocks by partial melting of
eclogitic material below 60 km as proposed by Yoder and Tilley (1962) is
accepted as the origin of the rocks in the thesis area. According to this theory
the composition of the original eclogite at high pressure determines whether or
not the magma produced by partial melting will have tholeitic or alkalic characteristics
when it reaches the surface. Alkaline magmas are formed by partial
melting wherever the original eclogite is relatively rich in omphacite. Presumably
both physical and physicochemical conditions affect the omphacite to
garnet ratio in the eclogite. End_of_Record - Last_Page 23--------