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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Structural Geology of Keechi Salt Dome, Anderson County, Texas *
University of Texas, M. A. Thesis, January 1966
The Keechi Salt Dome, one of the seventeen Interior Salt Domes of East Texas,
is located in central Anderson County, Texas. This salt dome lies in the
portion of the East Texas Embayment, a northward extension of the Gulf
Coast Geosyncline. Upper Cretaceous marls and Lower Tertiary sands and clays
crop out as a result of the uplift, with about 4200 feet of structural uplift un the
lowermost exposed strata.
The salt core, which is only 435 feet below the ground surface at the shallowest
known point, is roughly egg-shaped in plan view and possesses an overhang on
the south and southeast sides. The strata overlying the salt have been steeply
domed and complexly faulted by the rise of the salt core. This fault pattern is
dominantly radial, with one large fault, the Link Fault, crossing the entire
dome from northeast to southwest.
Major periods of inferred movement took place in late Comanchean and early
Gulfian, and early Tertiary times. End_of_Record - Last_Page 17--------