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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Sedimentology of the Upper Cambrian Lion
Mountain and Welge Sandstones, Central Texas
University of Texas, M. A. thesis, June, 1966
The Upper Cambrian Lion Mountain Sandstone Member of the Riley Formation
and the Welge Sandstone Member of the Wilberns Formation crop out around
the margins of the Llano region of Central Texas. A reconnaissance study of the
Lion Mountain was made to complement a detailed study to determine the source
area and environment of deposition of the overlying Welge Sandstone.
The Lion Mountain is a sequence of interbedded green glauconitic quartz
sandstone, siltstone and shale, and white coarse-grained trilobite coquina. The
member as defined herein ranges from 50 to 70 feet thick. The definition of
the unit differs from that given by previous workers, although this is not proposed
as a substitute. Crossbed dip-direction readings in the sandstones have
a bimodal distribution: the predominant mode faces northeast, and a secondary
maximum lies diametrically opposite. Organic structures and trace fossils are
common in the Lion Mountain. Quartz and glauconite pellets are the main
clastic components of the rocks. The quartz grains are highly rounded and many
are frosted.
The stratigraphy and sedimentary structures of the Lion Mountain Sandstone
suggest that the unit was deposited in an extensive tidal-flat environment on a
stable shelf. The predominant source of the detrital material was the Texas
Craton lying to the north and west of the study area.
The Welge Sandstone is a blanket sandstone that disconformably overlies the
Lion Mountain Sandstone. The unit as defined herein ranges from about 10 to 30
feet thick and thins to the east. The rocks are predominantly supermature
quartzarenites, but thin laminae of shale are common in the northwestern study
area. The strata are chiefly massive, but poorly-defined tubular crossbedding
is common in most outcrops. Paleocurrent readings have a prominent north-east
mode and a secondary maximum facing southwest.
The sandstones generally have a bimodal grain-size distribution. The mean
grain-size attains a maximum and the standard deviation a minimum along a
northeast axis across the center of the Llano region. Amareal skewness plot End_Page 13--------------- shows increasing positive values to the south and southeast, and is interpreted
as evidence for a source of fine-grained detritus to the north of the study area.
Mean roundness values of the grains and standard deviations of roundness
increase and decrease respectively to the north. These trends are interpreted
as reflecting the influence of the currents active during deposition.
The sandstones are almost entirely composed of highly-rounded and well-sorted
quartz grains. The heavy mineral fraction of the rocks is a supermature
suite of ilmenite and well-rounded zircon. Areal plots of undulose quartz and
angular zircon show higher percentages of these mineral varieties in the eastern
part of the study area. A source which supplied these varieties is inferred to
have lain immediately east of the present-day Llano region.
The predominant primary source of detritus of the Welge Sandstone was the
granitic Texas Craton to the north and west of the study area. The material
derived from this region underwent a prolonged period of sedimentary recycling
prior to deposition in the Upper Cambrian sediments, and thus attained a high
degree of textural maturity.
The Welge Sandstone was deposited under tectonically stable conditions in a
near-shore environment, strongly affected by tidal currents.
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