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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Bolson Fill, Pediment, and Terrace Deposits of
Hot Springs Area, Presidio County, Trans-Pecos Texas
University of Texas, M. A. thesis, June, 1966
Regional block-faulting, probably in Miocene time, created the Presidio
Bolson and initiated erosion in flanking mountains and deposition in the basin.
Deposition continued in a saline lake, in centripetal fresh-water streams, and
on alluvial fans through late Tertiary time, filling the basin to a high level with
sediment derived largely from the flanking mountains in Texas and Mexico.
Three previously unmapped facies, which grade laterally and vertically into
each other, were produced as the basin filled: a clay facies, composed chiefly
of silty clay; a sandstone facies, dominantly fluvial sandstone and si1tstone;and
a conglomerate facies, composed largely of conglomerate with interbedded sandstone.
Three genera of ostracodes, Ilyocypris, Candona, and Cypria, and an
unidentified charophyte, from the sandstone did not yield useful age data, but
aided an interpreting a shallow-water transition zone between the clay and the
sandstone facies .
With cyclic climatic changes during the Pliestocene epoch an ancestral main
stream varied its rate of downcutting by the main stream, possibly during relatively
dry interglacial periods, and formed gravel-veneered surfaces of
lateral planation in a series of steps descending to the present river. The
surfaces are pediments and terraces: Qgl, Qg2, Qg3, Qg4, and Qg5, in order
of decreasing elevation and age, are pediment gravels; Qg6 is the grave1
veneer of a terrace complex representing the last major state of lateral planation
by streams. Fossilized Equus sp. teeth found in a Qg6 terrace deposit are
Pleistocene in age. There are at least four major surfaces of lateral planation
in the Presidio Bolson, whereas there are only three in basins to the northwest,
suggesting that it was breached at an earlier time, possibly at the beginning of
the Pleistocene epoch.
A terrace deposit of the ancestral main stream not differentiated by previous
workers in the basin, the "Ruidosa conglomerate," is intermediate in age to the
Qg3 and Qg4 pediment gravels, and is the oldest direct evidence of a main
stream in the basin.
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