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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Distinguished Lecture Tour
Abstract: Remote Sensing in Exploration:
Can We Use It When We Get It
Remote Sensing has come of age as the new descriptive term covering
all aspects of reconnaissance technology from the photographic camera
through thermal mapping infrared to side-looking radars. The "black
are with us in their multitude and associated with them is a bewildering
array of terms, concepts and methods.
Most geologists since World War II have mastered the principles and
practice of aerial photography and have developed a competency in interpretation
with the successful application of these tools. In fact air photo
mapping has become so common as a basis for geology that one feels lost
when all that is available is a topographic map. Now that comfortable
status has been removed, as practicing exploration geologists we are faced
with new areas of terminology and we are struggling to become at ease in
an area traditionally the realm of the physicist and electronics engineer.
To compound our problem as geologists we are vitally interested in that
portion of the signal which the engineers dismiss as "background". We
cannot use their nice clean signals from vehicles, houses and fences. We
need to see into that gray mess with the low signal-to-noise, to look for
our information.
In a photograph we have sought after high resolution which has always
meant spatial resolution. To some intrepid early researchers, tone value
(or gray scale level) already had significance as a resolution but it was
rarely set up as a specification at the time of photographing the region.
We now have other resolutions which may be as important as spatial --
perhaps, like thermal resolution, to be traded for spatial resolution, as in
the studies of water bodies. Grey-scale levels, signal-to-noise ratios,
detector characteristics all now must be understood before geological
interpretation can commence. When contracting for non-photographic
imagery it is essential to understand these new tools, as the results may
be markedly different to that which was intended. We fly by night with
infrared sensors, and in day or night, in rain or cloud with radars. Navigation
at night becomes a major problem and logistical support often a
complex aspect if cooled detectors are being used.
Yet we all seem enthusiastic, eager and anxious to use it (or them)
over our particular properties. We set out to find anomalies in the resulting End_Page 34--------------- imagery but often are bewildered with the plentiful supply of them we
obtain. We search for the "important" anomaly in amongst those still
being caused by the instruments. To interpret the data one now needs a
small team of persons, each basically geologically oriented but skilled in
one or other aspects of the total system - aircraft, instruments, past
and present weather, soils and vegetation. Finally however it is the geological
background of each of these men which is the key in deducing the
lithologic and structural patterns. The new data of significance to exploration
are at best mere subtle shadings, lines and trend surfaces in the grayish "background".
Remote sensing data can be used in explorations, but it must be
approached scientifically. Experiments must be planned, new geographic
regions must be calibrated and local geologists used in the experiments,
particularly in the early stages. There is much to learn. As practicing
exploration men each of us can do much to advance the basic usefulness
of the techniques, if we approach them with respect and try to develop
understanding. We cannot change the basic physics of the earth-air interface
but we can learn how to use it to our advantage. End_of_Record - Last_Page 35---------------