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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Crustal Studies in the Gulf of Mexico
Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843, and
Marine Science Institute, University
of Southern Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33701
Deformation of the uppermost crust in the northern and western Gulf of Mexico
is due mainly to salt movement. The east Mexico and Texas-Louisiana continental
margins appear to represent a sequence of structural development from salt ridges on
the south to diapirs on the north. Distribution of the Sigsbee Knolls and domes, from
which petroleum and caprock were recovered, may be explained by the influence of
the Yucatan Platform whose marginal escarpments subparallel this belt of diapirs.
Seismic surveys suggest that the southern limit of the northern Gulf Coast salt is the
Sigsbee Escarpment and that the Sigsbee Knolls represent the northern limit of the salt
of southern Mexico. Subsidence of the Yucatan and Florida Platforms is indicated by dredged reef
limestones from their escarpments. Seismic profiles have traced the shelf-edge reef
from the Alabama-Mississippi boundary southward to the Florida Straits and the northern
coast of Cuba. Magnetic surveys in the Straits suggest the presence of igneous intrusive
bodies paralleling the ultramatic rock outcrops of Pinar del Rio province, Cuba.
Of broader interest is the anomalous nature of the crust beneath the south Florida
Platform. Magnetic and faunal evidence has led others to propose that all or part of
Florida was added to the North American continent in early Paleozoic time.
The salt distribution in the Gulf of Mexico, the location of reef trends and
anomalous nature of the south Florida Platform have all been explained by various
models involving continental drift and sea floor spreading. Some of these models have
not explained geologic conditions within the Gulf such as the great thickness of basin
sediments, the oceanic nature of the crustal structure, etc., which put some restraints
on proposed models. On the basis of available data, if the concept of sea floor
spreading is accepted, the Gulf of Mexico should be considered an old basin which
drifted westward with the rest of the North American Continent. End_of_Record - Last_Page 18---------------