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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Deltas, the Favored Habitat of Oil and Gas
Tenneco Oil Company, Houston, Texas
Oil and gas accumulations occur in sediments which were deposited rapidly and
which had abundant organic material that was preserved by rapid burial. Ancient
deltas had optimum conditions for the formation and preservation of abundant petroleum
source material, deposition of porous sands, and syndepositional development of stratigraphic
and stratigraphic-structural traps. Sands which were deposited in other environments,
such as eolian, fluviatile, true barrier islands, and shallow, stable shelf
marine are generally unfavorable for the occurrence of oil and gas. Therefore, finding
ancient buried deltas is a major petroleum exploration objective.
Deltas are constructed in segments of the coasts of oceans or interior seas where subsidence is faster than in adjacent segments. Many modern deltas are located over or
near Tertiary deltas, at the landward margin of basins ("geosynclines") which were
downwarping for long periods. Some present-day deltas, however, are far removed
from any older deltas, and most of the known pre-Tertiary deltas are located in the
interior of continents.
Structural movements controlled the locations, size and configuration of deltas.
Therefore the tectonic activity that took place within the sedimentary basins and in
the sediment-source areas should be determined as accurately as possible. Embayments
of the coasts, shown by positions of ancient shorelines during transgressive periods,
may have been chutes for large quantities of sediments during regressions. In large
basins which subsided more or less uniformly major deltas prograded seaward and shifted
laterally. Examples are in the Gulf Coast (Tertiary), Alberta Basin (Cretaceous), Illinois
Basin (Late Mississippian) and northern Appalachian Basin (Late Devonian), Many ancient
deltas were constructed in narrow subsiding coastal blocks, such as the Burma
Basin (Tertiary) and the Cook Inlet Basin (Tertiary), where there was little lateral shift
in depocenters and where there were only minor marine transgressions and regressions.
Rapid deposition of sediment with abundant indigenous and transported organic debris
characterized both types of deltas, and petroleum accumulations are in each type.
The lecture will describe and illustrate the occurrence of petroleum in deltaic
sediments of several sedimentary basins in North and South America, West Africa, and
Southeast Asia. Some characteristics of modern deltas will be discussed, as an aid in
predicting the location of undiscovered ancient buried deltas. End_of_Record - Last_Page 1---------------