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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Mineral Exploration in Spain
It has been said that the entire geology
of western Europe has been compressed into
the Iberian Peninsula. Compressed is the
proper word because few areas on earth have undergone mare intense and
protracted periods
of folding and thrusting.
Major regional deformation occurred in
in Hercynian (Carboniferous) and Alpine
(Tertiary) time. During those phases, there
were successive periods of movement where
earlier folds and thrust plates were buckled
and refaulted. The result is an extremely
complex structural pattern that makes the
geologist's job difficult but rewarding.
Mineralization of the base metals as well
as minor metals has occurred in wide areas.
Research Minerals Exploration Co. is exploring for copper, lead and zinc in southern
Spain in the famous Huelva copper belt. The company is also developing a rich newly
discovered deposit of mercury in the Cordillera Cantabrica near Oviedo in northern Spain.
Production is expected to begin in late summer 1973. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------