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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage in the Marine Environment
Hydrocarbon seepage within or into the
marine environment occurs at many places
around the world. The kind of hydrocarbon
varies from a heavy asphalt to a light gas.
Seep sites in Mexico, Venezuela, Trinidad,
and the Gulf of Mexico shelf have been investigated.
Biota in the immediate vicinity of a
seep in many instances show very little change
from what could be expected in a comparable
environment where no seepage occurred. The
difference is surprisingly small in some instances
and in one instance occurs in an opposite sense
to that expected. Seeps are aerially restricted
by their very nature. Partially because of this,
they do not have a wide deleterious effect upon
the environment. In small amounts they may be
beneficial. In Trinidad the mollusc Pitar dione
shows a preference for zones of seepage. They
may be attracted by the increase supply of
bacteria or bacterial nutrients.
Studies have indicated that fresh water runoff from heavy rains in California caused
more immediate and long range problems than did the Union oil leak. Runoff waters from
hurricane Agnes appear to have had major disastrous effects upon the biota in Chesapeake
Bay. However, as with the various hydrocarbon spills and natural seeps the damages suffered
are not irreversible. Even if conditions never entirely return to the status quo a new or
modified environment occurs into which old or perhaps new biota adapt. The world is
dynamic and change is the order of the universe. Only man tries to stem the tide of environmental
evolution and in the end he can but slow it down or divert it momentarily. Nature
is self polluting, but fortunately it is also self purging. In a broader overview we should
abandon the angry approach to ecological disaster and spend more time finding ways of
helping nature in its continual recycling process. End_of_Record - Last_Page 1---------------