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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: World's Energy Economy
The earth is a virtually closed material system composed of the 92 naturally
occurring chemical elements, all but a minute radioactive fraction of which obey
the laws of classical chemistry. Into and out of this system there occurs a continuous
flux and degradation of energy. As a consequence, the materials of the earth's
surface undergo either continuous or intermittent circulation. The principal energy
influxes into the earth's surface environment are three: solar energy 174,000 x
thermal watts; geothermal energy, 32 x 1012; and tidal energy 3 x
1012. The outfluxes
are low-temperature radiation into outer space.
During more than 3 billion years of geologic history a minute fraction of the
materials of the earth's surface has been aggregated into the dynamical system of
living organisms. By the process of photosynthesis, a small fraction of the incident
solar radiation is captured by the green leaves of plants and is stored chemically in
the organic molecules of carbohydrates and other more complex chemical compounds.
This is the source of the physiological energy requirements for the entire plant and
animal kingdoms. The rate of decay and of oxidation of organic materials is almost
equal to their rate of formation, but a small fraction becomes buried in peat bogs or
other oxygen deficient environments of incomplete decay. Such accumulations during
past geologic time have become buried under thick accumulations of sedimentary
strata and have become transformed into the earth's present supply of fossil fuels.
By about 2 million years ago the ancestors of the present human species began
to walk upright and to use stone tools. From that time to the present, this species
has distinguished itself from all others in its cumulative inventiveness in means of
capturing ever-larger quantities of the energy of its environment. A large increase
in the consumption of energy per capita was not possible, however, until the exploitation
of the large stores of energy of the fossil fuels was begun about 9 centuries
ago. The rise of the world's present technological society, with its concurrent ecological
disturbances, including that of the human species, has been an inexorable
The length of time during which this has occurred is deceptive unless account
is also taken of the exponential growth in the rates of consumption. During the 9
centuries since the beginning of coal mining, approximately 142 billion metric tons
had been mined by the end of 1972. Of this, one half has been produced since about
1940. Eighty percent of the world's initial coal supply will be consumed within the
next 2-3 centuries, and the middle 80 percent of the world's oil during the 65-year
period from about 1967 to 2023.
As to the future, the fossil fuels are short-lived; nuclear power is potentially
large but also hazardous; water power is large but inadequate; and geothermal and
tidal power are inadequate. On the other hand, the largest source of energy available
to the earth is that of solar radiation. Because the earth itself cannot tolerate
more that a few tens of doublings of any biological or technological activity - and
most of these have already occurred - it is now becoming evident that the present
episode of exponential industrial growth can be only a transitory epoch of about 3
centuries duration in the totality of human history. It represents a brief transitional
period between two very much longer periods, each characterized by rates of change
so slow as to be regarded essentially as a period of nongrowth. Although the forthcoming
period poses no insuperable physical or biological difficulties, it can hardly
fail to force a major revision in those aspects of our current economic and social
thinking which are based upon the premise that the growth rates which have characterized
this temporary period can somehow be sustained indefinitely. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------