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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Houston Geological Society Bulletin


Houston Geological Society Bulletin, Volume 19, No. 6, February 1977. Pages 3-3.

Abstract: Geologic Interpretation of Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Seismic Data


M. R. Bone, B. F. Giles, and E. R. Tegland

Recent developments in both marine and land data collection make possible Previous Hit3-DNext Hit reflection seismic work for use in detailing known prospects or for post-discovery field development. Techniques have been developed for both marine and land systems that make it both feasible and economical to collect dense data for use in Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitmigrationNext Hit and other Previous Hit3-DNext Hit related processes. Special software processes are utilized to gather the subsurface information into a uniform, dense, depth point grid prior to input on Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitmigrationNext Hit. Interpretation of the large volume of data is made easier utilizing some new display techniques. "Arbitrary" slices, including diagonal and horizontal, through the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit volume of data before and after Previous Hit3-DNext Hit Previous HitmigrationNext Hit show the effectiveness and flexibility of the Previous Hit3-DNext Hit system. Since the data are migrated Previous Hit3-DNext Hit, all line intersections time tie. Actual data examples illustrate the improvements in seismic imagery made possible with Previous Hit3-DTop coverage.

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