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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Submarine-Slope Failures
and Downslope Mass Movement
of Sediment
Deltaic and continental-shelf deposits off the Mississippi
River delta are deformed severely and slumped
seaward by many types of submarine-slope failures. The
major forms of deformation include (a) peripheral-rotational
slumping, (b) differential weighting and diapirism, (c) radial-tensional
faulting, (d) mass wasting and flowage induced by
wave motion and degassing, (e) mud flows, (f) shelf-edge
arcuate slumping, and (g) contemporaneous faulting
(growth faults). Rotational slumps are subparallel with
offshore contours and cause shallow-water sediments to
migrate downslope into deep water. These slump blocks
have longitudinal dimensions of ~60-600 m and lateral
dimensions of 200 to >600 m; some blocks have moved 800 m downslope in a period of one year. Differential loading
by coarse bar sands overlaying weak marine clays results in large-scale diapirism (vertical scale of intrusion, 200 to
700m). Deep-seated flowage of clays from beneath the delta
stresses continental-shelf deposits, causing radial-tensional
grabens. Prodelta and interdistributary clays contain high
percentages of biochemically formed methane gas, and
passage of storm waves produces bottom-pressure perturbations which cause entrapped gas to migrate vertically
upward with a resulting loss of sediment strength. Weak,
shallow-marine clays creep down and plunge over the edge
of the continental shelf (mudnoses display heights up to 80 m). Large-scale arcuate slumping scars the shelf break
and slump planes cut up to 500 m of sediment. This slump
material is of major importance in the development of large-scale
growth faults on the upper continental slope. High-resolution
seismic lines and side-scan sonar records show
the distribution and mechanisms involved. End_of_Record - Last_Page 3---------------