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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Structure, Stratigraphy and Development of
the Western North Atlantic Continental Margin
Analysis of more than 15,000 km of contract multichannel
seismic profiles taken across the U.S. Atlantic continental
margin shows that it has undergone a rifting phase (during
the separation of North America and Africa) and a broad subsidence
phase during the past 185 m.y. As a result, sedimentary
basins containing as much as 14 km of sediment have
formed adjacent to block-faulted platforms. Maximum subsidence
was during the rifting and early subsidence phases
(Late Triassic and Jurassic) when as much as 4 to 8 km of presumed
nonmarine and marine sediments accumulated in the
The main structural elements are basins and platforms.
The basins are broad seaward-thickening features as much
as several hundred kilometers long and 150 to 400 km wide
(Georges Bank basin, Baltimore Canyon Trough, Blake Plateau
Trough). Studies of magnetic and gravity data indicate
that seaward edges of the basins may be bordered by thickened
zones of oceanic crust, over which carbonate deposits
as young as Early Cretaceous have accreted. The central
parts of the basins appear to be built over a zone of rifted continental
or transitional crust. Adjacent to the basins are
block-platforms (La Have, Long Island, Carolina) where a
thinned wedge of Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks has been
deposited. Seaward of the platforms, the sedimentary section
thickens to several kilometers within narrow troughs. A
discontinuous reef-platform complex formed the ancestral
continental slope just as it formed adjacent to basins,
although places the shelf break was formed by a balance of
clastic sedimentation, erosion, and subsidence.
Studies of the acoustic stratigraphy show that the sedimentary
section can be divided into as many as eight units
using the reflectors to outline major bounding unconformities.
Analysis of reflector characteristics and interval velocities
for each unit indicates that the earliest stages of basin
development (Late Triassic and Early Jurassic) were marked
by the deposition of as much as 8 km of nonmarine sediment
and evaporite deposits. During the remainder of the Jurassic,
as much as 4 km of nonmarine clastic sediments was deposited
in the landward parts of the basins, and marine carbonate
and evaporite deposits accumulated in the seaward part. In the Cretaceous, the pattern changed to dominantly marine
and non marine clastic sediments off the northeastern United
States as the shelf was prograded over the older reef platform
complex to build a gentle slope into the basin.
Carbonate sedimentation continued during the Late Cretaceous
off the southeastern United States, but scour by the
ancestral Gulf Stream shifted the main area of slope development
300 km to the west.
Continued subsidence, coupled with termination of the
reef complex and diminished sedimentation during the Late
Cretaceous and Cenozoic, has created a broad deepwater
plateau (Blake Plateau) in the south. During the same interval
off the northeastern United States, deposition was mainly on
the shelf or the continental rise, as the slope was eroded back
intermittently 10 to 30 km.
Structures of potential economic interest beneath the
shelf are drape structures over irregular basement blocks or
over an intrusive plug, buried reefs, and diapirs. Future interest
in deep-water areas may center on the seaward flank of
the Cretaceous and Jurassic reef-platform complex where
deeply buried anoxic shales rich in organic material may
interfinger with flank debris from the platform, beneath the
continental slope. End_of_Record - Last_Page 2---------------