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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
Abstract: Lobo Trend of South Laredo Area, Webb and
Zapata Counties, Texas
Located deep in the South Texas brush country 140 mi.
west of Corpus Christi is the Lobo trend of the South
Laredo area. Since its discovery in late 1973, 350 to 400
wells have been drilled with an estimated 75% success
The producing area is still not delineated and continues
to expand eastward and southward across an indicated
productive area covering 500,000 to 600,000 acres in
Webb and Zapata Counties. This region has been intensely surveyed by seismic crews and is mostly leased or held by
production. It is expected to remain so for the foreseeable
The Lobo trend is believed to be one of the most complex
geologic provinces in the entire Gulf Coast region. At
least one angular uncomformity is known to exist; others
are suspected. The major reserves occur beneath the angular
unconformity. One or more periods of intense faulting
and structural activity occurred prior to the angular unconformity
and an additional period of faulting occurred subsequent
to the erosion and later deposition. The geology
has been complicated further by more recent regional gulf-ward
tilting and faulting which affected the Lobo section as
well as the overlying Middle and Upper Wilcox sediments.
Production in the Lobo trend is from a series of geopressured,
low-permeability, Lower Wilcox sandstones at
depths ranging from approximately 4,400 ft updip in Mexico
to nearly 12,000 ft downdip toward the east in Zapata
County, Texas. The producing sequence is marked at the
top by geopressured Lower Wilcox shale and at the base
by the occurrence of Vaginulina robusta, a Midway foraminiferal
marker fossil. Individual sandstones in the series
attain maximum thicknesses of nearly 300 ft and contain
few water contacts. Porosity and permeability ranges of 15
to 24% and 10 to 40 md respectively, are common for producing
Trapping conditions are believed to be provided principally
by counter-regional, westward-tilted fault blocks
bounded by northwest-southeast striking, down-to-coast
normal faults. Lateral seals most commonly appear to be
due to shale-out, permeability barrier, or local closure. Displacements
across the faults are commonly as much as 700
to 1,000 ft. Since the stratigraphic sequence containing the
major producing zones is typically no more than 1,000 ft
thick, the exact location of a large fault becomes critical in
certain areas, a problem most accurately solved when adequate
seismic data and well control are available.
As of this date, approximately 5 years after completion
of the No. 1 Clark discovery well, reserves for the area are
still impossible to determine. It is probable that at least 1
Tcf of gas is recoverable, with 75% of it in Texas and as
much as 3 Tcf recoverable is not unlikely. Development of
the trend is expected to continue through the next 3 to 5
years with as many as 50 new exploration and development
wells being drilled each year. Perhaps then a reasonably
accurate estimate of ultimate recoverable gas can be made.
Drilling and completion techniques for Lobo wells generally
consist of setting protective casing near the top of the
geopressured zone (which may be accurately predicted
by a competent mud logger), then drilling to total depth,
and logging and running liner from total depth back to protective
Until early this year freshwater-base drilling muds were
used by all operators; however oil-base mud is now being
used by one operator.
The logging program most commonly consists of the
ISF/sonic, the compensated neutron-formation density,
and the dipmeter. Sidewall cores are routinely taken but
production casing or liner is usually run on the basis of
favorable electric-log data. Only limited conventional coring
has been attempted.
Several wells have flowed naturally at initial daily rates
of 500 Mcf up to 6,000 Mcf with a few exceptional wells End_Page 3--------------- flowing at much higher rates. However, sustained commercial
production is dependent on successful stimulation
consisting of light acid treatment and heavy fracturing.
The average 9,000-ft. Lobo test costs approximately
$800,000 to drill and complete. Dry-hole cost is approximately
$600,000. Recoverable gas reserves per well are
expected to average 4 to 6 Bcf, worth $8,000,000 to
$12,000,000 at the area intrastate price of approximately $2.00/Mcf. End_of_Record - Last_Page 4---------------